Sentences with phrase «express liberal views»

In the twentieth century, art became a particularly effective medium to spread political messages, and particularly to express liberal views.

Not exact matches

While liberals have expressed outrage at Ms. Clifford's allegations, many conservatives in this district west of Phoenix say that her statements have done little to change their view of the president, or of candidates like Ms. Lesko who support him.
Several disgruntled former employees have expressed concerns about «groupthink» being ingrained in what is widely known as a hyper - liberal company culture value system where expressions of other views are not welcome and can lead to being ostracized or being shown the door.
He expressed that he enjoyed debating Liberals who had the misguided views that he had once had.
I am a liberal chrisian, but this article expresses my views better than anything l have read.
For expressing my egalitarian views among evangelicals, I've been called crass, ugly names (not unlike the names Limbaugh called Fluke), dismissed as «emotional» and «whiny,» written off as a «just another liberal feminazi,» and declared a «threat» to the Church.
But the New Liberal (my fellow professor to the core) defines freedom as the right to promote her views, and oppression as the attempt of others to express theirs.
But I have seen similar views expressed by Liberal Democrat members who align themselves with Mr Clegg's agenda.
He has further explained that his often - expressed view that British liberals should «reclaim our economic liberal heritage» 4 has been «misunderstood and misrepresented, as implying a downgraded commitment to the party's social liberal roots... The argument is that social liberal goals should be pursued with economically liberal means.»
He explained in this morning's Sunday Express that this process will begin on Wednesday, although it was also reported this morning in the Observer that 1,200 Liberal Democrat activists have instructed their party's leadership to «fully respect the declared view of the party» on NHS reform as voted on at the recent Lib Dem spring conference.
If Mahatma Ghandi were still alive and dared to express scepticism about the climate issue, «liberals» reading the «liberal media» would struggle to identify the difference between his views, and those of Ann Coulter.
I will be expressing disappointment in their outcomes, which on one view might be thought to be liberal in the sense of upholding civil rights and the Bill of Rights but in another sense may be said to be totally out of empathy for the views of New Zealand citizens.
However, the court was careful, as in its recent decisions on abortion, not to express a view on the competing merits of home v hospital birth, or on the comparative virtues of a liberal as opposed to a restrictive régime.
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