Sentences with phrase «express vulnerable feelings»

«Once men know it's safe to express vulnerable feelings to their partner, they come to appreciate and value it just as much as their wives,» says Dr. Bridges.
The better question to ask when it comes to boys (and girls too), is whether they have a «soft heart» and can express their vulnerable feelings?
When children can express their vulnerable feelings to a parent and see over time that they can have independent relationships with both parents, they can recover and grow through this experience.
Johnson uses the therapist as a «secure base» and encourages them to build a secure container in which the anxiously or avoidantly attached partner can take the risk of expressing vulnerable feelings and needs.

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True intimacy happens when a couple feels safe to exchange personal truths and express vulnerable thoughts or feelings.
Nancy facilitates couples to get in touch with what underlies their reactions, so that vulnerable feelings can be expressed in a way that gets an attuned response from their partner.
Just like in the movie, the key to breaking the cycle is to become vulnerable, to express our feelings of sadness or fear.
Men in our society are expected not to express their feelings but to deal with issues in a rational or logical way and are taught that being vulnerable is a bad thing.
The process of making amends and what must be in place for the process to effectively unfold [24:35] How does shame affect our ability to feel and express remorse, and why doing inner work around our shame is essential preparatory work for rebuilding relationships [27:40] Healing relationships by working with our 4 R's: resentments, respects, regrets, requests [30:33] The willingness to be vulnerable and why emotional responsiveness plays an essential role [31:16] How masculine and feminine typologies, expectations, and gender norms affect our expressions of vulnerability, and how to unpack what lies beneath [34:28] Differences in communication styles between the masculine and feminine poles of a relationship, and how communication styles affect not only our primary relationships, but our familiar relationships and friendships, too.
Primary emotions make us feel vulnerable and they're usually harder to express to another person — they include fear, hurt, shame, sadness, disappointment.
My emphasis is to facilitate a therapeutic relationship where vulnerable feelings can be safely expressed.
Nancy facilitates couples to get in touch with what underlies their reactions, so that vulnerable feelings can be expressed in a way that gets an attuned response from their partner.
It's about the vulnerable feelings beneath, and the hurtful process involved in defending against expressing them.
MEASURABLE: client's report of feeling safe, client's ability to disclose how he experiences the therapeutic process and his ability to collaborate on treatment goals as evidenced by his participation during the sessions, client giving three examples of the problem areas, client committed to therapy as evidenced by attending weekly for 3 weeks, express vulnerable moments in past 3 weeks, client making eye contact 4 times a session, clients report they are feeling safe and are able to trust.
One of the reasons it's so hard to communicate your feelings of anger and bitterness in a moment when your spouse is doing something that's really bugging you is that expressing means being vulnerable.
But it isn't easy for us humans to access these more vulnerable feelings and courageously express them and be open to what happens.
Expressing the more vulnerable feelings will invite your partner to connect with you.
When a conversation about sharing and how to express ones love occurs that come with being vulnerable then both people in the relationship feels loved through their connection.
We call these moments of open, tender sharing «softenings,» because we saw partners not only begin to express their more vulnerable feelings but also be more loving (softer) in their responses to their partners.
What if we expressed some of our softer and vulnerable emotions — the ones that we sometimes feel safer expressing through text messages — directly with our partners or kids?
Withhold love whenever they express any emotion — especially vulnerable feelings.
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