Sentences with phrase «expressed outrage when»

The world expressed outrage when the annual Yulin dog meat festival received huge publicity, and there were hopeful signs of progress in the campaign against it and the dog meat trade.
After her supporters expressed outrage when he chose someone else, Paterson knew or should have known that it was his top aides who trashed Kennedy.

Not exact matches

When Vitter was in the House of Representatives he actually took calls from the DC Madam during roll call votes; later, Sen. Vitter expressed outrage over purported actions of the poverty group ACORN, where several staffers showed tolerance toward conservative operatives with a hidden camera who were pretending to be involved in prostitution.
The news came after United sparked outrage earlier this week when a video surfaced of a passenger being dragged off an overbooked United Express flight.
But if this is «what actually happens», it's hard to resist drawing the conclusion that in the outcry against Dawkins this summer we saw an extraordinary moment when society expressed moral outrage about itself; when we were provoked by one of our own common practices.
when asked to condemn stone's comments, «koo koo» expressed your outrage fullofhotgas.
This risk diminishes when we direct our outrage well and when we express our outrage less often.
Standing against the oppression of others is part of my passion for people, so I have raised my voice to express concern and even outrage when I have seen supposed breastfeeding advocates resort to shaming in general and specifically with this same offender.
But he's still the guy who made Enron: The Smartest Guys In The Room and Taxi To The Dark Side; and when he finds a subject that lets him tell a good story and express deep outrage, he can get the job done.
In general, Oyelowo receives plenty of humorous moments that he makes work, expressing outrage from the betrayal of his closest companions and madcap joy during the ruse he is pulling off, which obviously turns to believable fear when the whole plan goes sideways.
Maybe I shouldn't have been, but I was struck by an article in the Wall Street Journal noting the outrage by the higher education establishment that met the comments by North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory when he expressed in a radio interview his concern that many recent college graduates can not find jobs and suggested that -LSB-...]
Although the public expressed outrage, even at one point rioting in New York City when it was discovered that a white woman's body had been disinterred, many people just looked the other way when the bodies of recently deceased black people were similarly defiled.
Not surprisingly, many Android purists are already expressing their outrage at the cost — especially when previous Nexus smartphones only rid our wallets of $ 349 USD.
When Bowser expresses outrage after discovering his image is being used for a carnival dunking booth, the Dry Bones cheerfully responds to his complaint of «I am really insulted!»
When it was initially announced that the Final Fantasy XV release date would be pushed back to November, many fans expressed their disappointment and even outrage.
European leaders expressed outrage in March when Mr. Bush rejected the global warming pact known as the Kyoto Protocol, an international treaty negotiated in Kyoto, Japan, in 1997, and the subject has been building as an important test of the administration's foreign policy.
That said, when — if — the reports start filtering in, expect the angle on the stories not to be about the damaging information in the emails — information that, to my layman's eyes, appears to show «scientists» trying to hide data that would hinder their pro-alarmist agenda, but instead about how it was an «invasion of privacy» with quotes from «scientists» and those in related fields expressing «outrage» that the hard work of their colleagues has been «compromised.»
Cindy Tibbot, a FWS biologist involved in the EIS process, was one of many agency scientists who expressed outrage about Griles» directive, stating in an internal memo: «It's hard to stay quiet about this when I really believe we're doing the public and the heart of the Clean Water Act a great disservice.»
Again, when I'm educated around systems in history, when Native people and people of color are expressing outrage toward me, I don't take it personally because I understand this is a long history.
When I heard about this, I expressed the outrage of not only myself but of the entire association.
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