Sentences with phrase «expression analysis approach»

Dartmouth Institute for Quantitative Biomedical Sciences (iQBS) researchers developed a new gene expression analysis approach for identifying cancer genes.

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However, microarray analysis is only capable of measuring the status of known transcripts, and expression of low - abundance mRNAs is often not detected by the hybridization - based approach.
In the lab, the scientific team used an approach that combined functional RNAi analysis with gene expression analysis in breast cancer - derived cell lines and in human breast cancers replicated in mice.
Using this «Ribotag» approach tissue - specific changes under DR have been measured in muscle, fat, gut, heart, neurons, germline and malpighian tubules, showing a highly tissue specific response upon DR.. We are developing mechanistic models of gene expression regulation and conducting comprehensive bioinformatics analyses on UTRs, promoters and the coding sequences of various elements of differentially regulated genes.
Our technological expertise ranges from the most fundamental approaches to study membrane transport in lymphocytes and dendritic cells (subcellular compartmentalization, intravital microscopy, phagosomal functions), the systematic analysis of gene expression and it regulation (RNAseq, Chip Seq, proteomics) and physiological and pathological immune responses (mouse models for cancer immunity, immunomodulation / vaccination, human clinical studies in cancer).
He group is also interested in high throughput gene expression data analysis, especially using Bayesian network (BN) approaches.
Whitehead scientists identify major flaw in standard approach to global gene expression analysis
These webtools make use of the multilayered datasets from the BXD mouse population to expedite in silico gene function prediction through a series of integrative and complimentary systems analytical approaches, including (expression - based) phenome - wide association, transcriptome - / proteome - wide association, and (reverse --RRB- mediation analysis.
The webtools make use of the multilayered datasets from the BXD mouse population to expedite in silico gene function prediction through a series of integrative and complimentary systems analytical approaches, including (expression - based) phenome - wide association, transcriptome - / proteome - wide association, and (reverse --RRB- mediation analysis (Figure 1 - 2).
We have developed a novel «integrated» approach for gene expression profiling analysis that combines both «unbiased» and «biased» profiling (22)[Fig. 5].
An approach based on testicular analysis of candidate gene expression between IVC - and in vivo (control)- produced animals was performed.
This included IL2RA, where allele - specific expression analyses were consistent with its interaction - mediated regulation, illustrating the utility of the approach.
Utilizing a social design approach in which participating teachers and the researcher co-construct student learning cycles focused on the analysis, design, and sharing of digital political narratives, the study will highlight the literacy aspects of participatory politics and its implications for re-imagining the nature and purpose of civic expression.
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