Sentences with phrase «expression in»

The deepest affinity between Schweitzer and St. Francis lies in the interior religiousness which finds expression in the directness of the spirit of love.
Given my acknowledged bias, the question for me is whether the distinctive relation to God that seems to come to expression in Jesus» action and words is possible.
We call this type Franciscan, because it found its supreme expression in the medieval period in St. Francis of Assisi.
They are not a commentary but an elucidation of some of the focal points of the conciliar event, which perhaps did not even find much expression in the official.
Wycliff's acceptance of the scriptures as the rule of life finds expression in nearly all his works but especially in his treatise De Veritate Sacrae Scriptures (on the truth of the Holy Scriptures) published in 1378, the year in which the papacy ranked to its lowest ebb, with the «Great schism», when a new pope was elected in Rome in opposition to the pope of Avignon.
These views find their fullest expression in the Christian Identity movement, the most significant religious manifestation on the extreme right.
I am creative, and my creativity doesn't just find expression in my paintings, my cartoons, my music or my sculptures, but in everything I do, including my relationships and the way I pastor a community.
The same equality finds expression in his saying: «whoever does the will of God is my brother, my sister, my mother» (Mk.
There must be enough consistency in both the local congregation and the national denomination to stimulate the growth of membership and to allow effective expression in compatible action projects.
Religious groups in this country have tried to stifle free expression in music, literature and books, but the First Amendment of the Const / itution protects free speech, as well as the freedom to worship (or not worship) as you will.
Sin can also find expression in the form of idolatry.
For example, Martin Heidegger argues that the whole modern view of the person as an active subject engaged in the process of knowing leads to the «nihilism» of Nietzsche, to the idea of knowing as the pure exercise of the will to power which has its fullest expression in contemporary science and technology (see, e.g., QT): In one sense my response can only be that I believe knowing is most truly understood as an active process, and that I think that the idea of a purely receptive knowing is a myth, albeit perhaps an appealing one.
Moreover, such evidence explicitly supports the belief, also traditional, that one self - same scheme of thought animates and finds at least implicit expression in Whitehead's writings beginning with Science and the Modern World.
It is the Publications Act, however, which embodies most of the regulations that affect freedom of expression in South Africa.
That harmony eventually found expression in Gothic proportion — its visual equivalent.
A technical expression in Whitehead's philosophy of organism, «creative advance» is the fundamental dynamic of the universe.
Despite widespread agreement that faith by its very nature inevitably finds expression in moral action, whether or to what extent faith also demands to be expressed through specifically political action continues to be disputed.
The image goes back to the Greeks, but it was given its most complete expression in the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries with the rise of classical physics.
What so convincingly to her is must have its expression in a setting of time and place and persons.
Political realism became dominant in the mid-twentieth century and found its classical expression in Hans J. Morgenthau's Politics Among the Nations, which was published in 1948.
God as persuader, lure, and ground of order finds an appropriate expression in McFague's model of God as lover (McFague, 125 ff.).
For this meaning expressed in the writing of Gospels was already inherent in the kerygma, e.g. in its emphasis upon the humiliation, and can find expression in various forms of Christian experience, e.g. in the experience of Francis of Assisi.
Concepts are the expression in language of the observed order of things.
It was this dramatic contingency of the revelation, which found expression in the recording of the concrete history of Jesus in the Gospels.
This same sentiment is characteristic enough of our day to have found eloquent expression in W. H. Auden's Christmas Oratorio.
How do we give God's purposes creative expression in both our work and free time?
Nevertheless, the connotations associated with substantial activity in the earlier work still find expression in a number of passages.
If not, then we are using the expression in wildly equivocating ways.
Few theologians would answer this question negatively, and in our day many of our most gifted theologians, including Runyon, see the universality of Christianity in terms of its necessary and inevitable expression in a historical process of secularization, a process that has perhaps already triumphed over the religious world of the East.
It reached its highest expression in the prophets just mentioned and in the hymn - book of the Temple in Jerusalem, the Psalter.
This is what Paul has in mind when he uses the expression in 1 Cor.
In asking whether there are aspects in nature that fail to receive expression in science, he says:
Wisdom finds its literary expression in wisdom literature.
Clearly, the thinking which produced this kind of theological statement is very different indeed from that which finds expression in the Lord's Prayer (though it is worth noticing that the context of both is, up to a point, similar: «When you pray, say «Father.»»
The «aesthetic,» in this profound sense, with its expression in appreciation, evaluation, enjoyment or displeasure, and the like, is as much a part of our human experience as the rational and volitional aspects.
This position had found its classic expression in Wilhelm Bousset's Kyrios Christos of 1913.
Even more important, it created a tendency in American Christianity which received expression in later years through a marked emphasis on the spiritual and ideal side of life over against the material and the actual.
for many conservative Christians, their faith found expression in judging others and, thus, diminishing the happiness and security of those people.
God was like that; indeed God was that Love, only he was its source and its goal — the human love of Jesus was the expression in terms of genuine human existence of «the Love that moves the sun and the other stars.»
This finds its deepest expression in quantum physics, which has rejected the substantialist model of nature.
well, this is God's expression in full form.
We learn who God is, in the fullest way open to us as men, through his self - expression in the man Jesus.
The very office of minister, which far too often is understood to symbolize only judgment upon sin, should be known as one expression in the Church of the forgiving spirit.
The argument to be presented finds its classical expression in Kant's paralogisms, especially the third, and it has been emphasized in resent years by H. D. Lewis (SI 32 - 37; IS 47 - 49) and A. C. Ewing (VR).
For the expression in question does not refer to the Lordship over Creation, nor to presiding over the works of God, but is meant to reveal in part the intention of the Incarnation» (sect. 1.1 ff).
This is the expression in economic life of the demand to love God and our neighbor.
Instead Newman's devotion found expression in vocal prayers (such as the Litanies) and in themore formal Meditations which make up a large part of this book.
This found expression in the character of the prayers used.
Such notions have little or nothing to do with love; they are a matter of human justice which may be a mode of love's expression in certain situations but they are also very misleading because love is ultimately not concerned with «justice» in the vulgar sense — it is above justice, whose interest is either retributive or distributive, for the interest of love is with persons, persons in society with their fellows, and the fulfillment of selves in the giving - and - receiving which is mutuality or union.
In Kurzweil's case, this is the openness he shows to modern literary expression in all its forms.
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