Sentences with phrase «expression of someone»

Giving and receiving positive emotions such as expressions of love is something they have very little experience with.
It's the first time scientists have shown in selectively bred animals that the propensity for addiction is linked to differences in expression of genes for specific molecules in a specific brain region.
The position as Platform Director is new and will be appointed by an internal call for expression of interest.
People who reported higher levels of side effects had higher levels of expression of genes affiliated with B cells, which make antibodies, both before and after receiving the vaccine.
Adult attachment and the perception of facial expression of emotion.
You can post a resume on this site too, and employers contact the site with expressions of interest.
So long as the discussions are decent, confined to the verbal level, and honest, the leader is pleased by the increasing expression of negative feeling.
In a way, it's the ultimate expression of what the concept that's been there from the start.
In this connection therefore the interpretation of myth does not differ essentially from that of any other expression of faith — e.g. a dialogue, a doctrine, or a prayer.
Some of us have very real needs and those needs aren't going to be met by expressions of gratitude.
As expressions of concern increased, they were generally met with soothing, reassuring words: nothing was really changing.
It focuses on expression of core emotion between members of the couple and an understanding of the negative affect cycles that may exist within that context.
This is the highest expression of self love, as you're saying that what's held within you is fantastic, and deserves to be let out.
The rituals, I realize, are just expressions of gratitude for earth, fire, food, and other primordial elements of existence.
I haven't been to it, but I would not be offended at all to see expressions of other faiths there.
He fell in love with landscape painting and started exploring the language of direct expression of what just in front of him.
I have worked with many expressions of human pain.
This type of exchange is the start of the infant's emotional development and the allowance for emotional regulation in expression of feelings.
It's just a perfect, pure expression of exactly what it wants to be.
In order to relate these data and to interpret them as expressions of religious experiences, some notions of the nature of this experience are necessary.
Other commonly used measures of empathy include tasks assessing recognition of facial expressions of emotion (considered critical for cognitive empathy).
Therefore, the right to freedom of expression would have to rather focus upon the provision of access to the public expression of opinions than on the prevention of restricting opinions.
The bottom line is fashion is supposed to be fun, an ultimate expression of who you are, so don't stress.
They may be avoiding communication by giving you the silent treatment or by expressions of anger like yelling accusations.
How do others respond to different expressions of self?
While there is good reason for this skepticism, it is ironic that a theology so geared to public issues should neglect the most public expression of Christian faith.
So my aim here is to examine interventions not as model programs to be replicated but as expressions of certain underlying ideas and strategies.
An ensuing debate revealed that large numbers of individuals felt this judgment would lead to fear and inhibition, and deter free expression of ideas and opinions online — the chilling effect.
When it comes to sex, this can be a very good expression of love, one of the highest expressions, in fact.
The germ - free and antibiotic - treated mice also had reduced expression of genes involved in inflammation.
Decorating is a personal expression of how we live.
Fear stops many people from becoming the full expression of who they are.
Living in a particular «affective climate» promotes children's experience and expression of specific emotions.
If there were a consensus of responsible reflection, then the adoption of that consensus as the vehicle for expression of Christian faith might be necessary.
This is a disgusting act of bigotry, art is a free expression of thought.
It moves beyond one's own individual support to the active seeking out of expressions of support from others.
In brief, history and cultures are expressions of life, not realms radically apart from human biological existence.
Nevertheless, that's a great question about expression of freedom without violating freedom of others.
It was one of the most perfect expressions of dynamic minimalism I've had the pleasure of playing.
The new expression of interest system is controlled by employers.
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