Sentences with phrase «expressive language disorders»

For example, parents who have expressive language disorders might talk less to their children, or the language they use may be distorted.
Provide remediation services to adolescents (ages 13 - 21) with language, learning, and social difficulties including receptive and expressive language disorders, autism spectrum disorders, cognitive impairments, and auditory processing disorders.
This type of reading comprehension test can be challenging for children with expressive language disorders.
Furthermore, children with expressive language disorders and or are English language learners may be at a higher risk for developing selective mutism.
Kristensen (2000) reported that 50 % of youth with selective mutism and 12 % of a control group had a communication disorder, including phonological disorder (43 %), mixed receptive - expressive language disorder (17 %), and expressive language disorder (12 %).
Expressive language disorder means that a child has difficulty with verbal, written or other information...

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Typical strategies focus on developing sight word vocabulary, work with reading comprehension, speech and language therapy to address articulation, phonemic awareness, receptive language, expressive language, and other speech and language disorder symptoms.
Although children with this disorder generally have normal language skills, there may occasionally be an associated Communication Disorder (e.g., Phonological Disorder, Expressive Language Disorder, or Mixed Receptive - Expressive Language Disorder) or a general medical condition that causes abnormalities of articdisorder generally have normal language skills, there may occasionally be an associated Communication Disorder (e.g., Phonological Disorder, Expressive Language Disorder, or Mixed Receptive - Expressive Language Disorder) or a general medical condition that causes abnormalities of articDisorder (e.g., Phonological Disorder, Expressive Language Disorder, or Mixed Receptive - Expressive Language Disorder) or a general medical condition that causes abnormalities of articDisorder, Expressive Language Disorder, or Mixed Receptive - Expressive Language Disorder) or a general medical condition that causes abnormalities of articDisorder, or Mixed Receptive - Expressive Language Disorder) or a general medical condition that causes abnormalities of articDisorder) or a general medical condition that causes abnormalities of articulation.
She is experienced in assessing and treating children with articulation disorders, elementary and school - age language disorders (auditory / language processing, receptive / expressive language delay, word retrieval), myofunctional disorders, fluency and voice disorders.
Students may have receptive, expressive or global language disorders.
Using a highly effective total communication approach, Arlinda has a variety of experience working with children with cognitive disabilities, expressive / receptive language delays / disorders, articulation / phonology, fluency, autism, Down Syndrome, pragmatics, and voice disorders.
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