Sentences with phrase «expressive vocabulary development»

PURPOSE The purpose of this exploratory study was to examine the variability and predictors of expressive vocabulary development in children with autism and very delayed language.
Ruston, H. P., & Schwanenflugel, P. J. (2010 July) Effects of a conversation intervention on the expressive vocabulary development of prekindergarten children.

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Teachers learn how to plan language - rich routines and experiences that support young children's development of important language and literacy skills such as building vocabulary, promoting expressive and receptive language, noticing the sounds and rhythms of language, enjoying books and stories, and exploring writing.
Specifically, exposure to toys that enable symbolic play and support the development of fine motor skills has been shown to relate to children's early receptive language skills, intrinsic motivation and positive approaches to learning.45, 46 In addition, children's familiarity with storybooks has been linked to their receptive and expressive vocabularies and early reading abilities.26, 27
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