Sentences with phrase «extend you legs»

But if this economic cycle indeed has another extended leg in — as plenty of indicators suggest — and companies can keep the profit machine running along with stock buybacks and mergers, there's no saying the market as a whole can't work its way a good deal higher before it reaches its ultimate peak.
Bicycle kicks (face up, extend legs as if riding a bike, three sets of 45 seconds).
Back And Forths, starting same as Touch Touches, extending his legs, bringing them back in, moving into the pushup position, then resetting and doing it all again.
He came up with moves like T - Bones, hands on the ground holding himself up while extending his legs, spreading them, bringing them back together, tucking them in, doing it again.
You'll probably want to extend the legs on the activity table as high as possible, making it easier for your child to play without having to bend over.
my son's tall and big, almost 22 months - close to being 35» and 30 lbs, and he's still rear facing - I'm waiting until he's at the max of the car seat weight limit (40 lbs) to turn him around - his legs might look cramped, but I'm going for safety - he also now extends his legs out over the sides or up on the back of the seat... pretty creative.
Not only does the Quest have a great reclining system, but you can also extend the leg rest as your child grows.
The design is nice and innovative, with extended legs that adjust to the height of your own bed and wheels for an easy mobility.
Many colicky babies may pull up their legs or extend their legs, clench their fists, and pass gas.
The table is easy to open and extend the legs.
The Quest has more padding than the Volo and Triumph and in addition, it has an extending leg rest feature.
While this seat does offer extended leg room, it does not include a leg room extender which would make the seat more comfortable for your little one.
In addition to having a comfy seat, this stroller has a retractable leg rest that allows you to extend the leg rest for your child's comfort depending on his / her height.
When the babies lift their hands, extend their legs and grasp objects, they are developing their physical skills and hand - eye coordination.
We suggest fully extending the leg elastic by pulling out the wing PRIOR to snapping the diaper.
A built in stage - position lever lifts easily to convert the car seat base from Stage 1 to Stage 2 with one motion, creating extended leg room and more upright, spacious seating for growing toddlers.
Provides extended leg room and more upright, spacious seating with adjustability for toddlers 9 - 24m — without taking up extra space in the vehicle!
This tap will pull on your thigh muscle, elongating stretch receptors embedded there, which in turn will excite a motor neuron in your spinal cord that will stimulate your thigh muscle to quickly contract, extending your leg below the knee in the famous knee - jerk reflex.
Peckham's team has developed a device that stimulates muscles patients can't control on their own — allowing them to use an arm, say, or extend their legs to stand up.
A close examination of 3.6 million year old hominin footprints discovered in Laetoli, Tanzania suggests our ancestors evolved the hallmark trait of extended leg, human - like bipedalism substantially earlier than previously thought.
From child's pose, lift hips then extend legs toward straight, keeping the feet hip width or wider.
Rotate the extended leg's ankle in a clockwise direction ten times, then do it in a counterclockwise direction for another ten times.
Engage your abs, and then gently move your left knee into your chest, across the other side and then extend the leg out to the side, touching the toe to the ground at a 45 - degree angle.
Extend your legs out to 45 degrees and stretch your arms behind your head while pressing your lower back down towards the floor.
Extend your legs completely, contract and exhale at the top position.
So, for example, if you can get someone to hold your extended leg up as high as possible while you're naturally pushing downwards to resist the stretch, you'll get much better results than by stretching the leg up by yourself.
Slowly begin to crease at the hips, sending your bottom behind you as you lower your extended legs slowly and steadily to the floor.
Begin to press right heel down extending the leg straight and gaze past your right armpit toward the ceiling.
Using your quads, extend your legs to the maximum while keeping a slight bend in your knees to protect the joint and ensuring that the rest of the body remains stationary on the seat at all times.
Suddenly, as I extended my leg behind me one of Tracy's classic butt - busting moves, I was sure I was about to throw up.
Push your thighs into the ground and extend legs powerfully.
Place both hands on a bench and extend the legs on the floor in front of you.
Lift one knee up in the air, extend the leg, bend again and then slowly return to the starting position.
Exhale and extend the legs skyward, keeping the chin tucked and palms pressed into your back.
Extend the leg and head back to starting position and repeat this knee - to - nose movement ten times.
Then extend both legs straight in that direction.
Seat height: You should have a slight bend in your knee at the bottom of the pedal stroke, and when you fully extend your leg, with your knee locked out, your heel should dip to about 3/4 inch away from the ground.
Keeping core tight, slowly extend legs, allowing them to hover a few inches off floor (raise them a bit higher if that's too challenging), and lean back until your mid-back almost touches floor.
Keeping the abdominal muscles contracted, bring the medicine ball back to chest and extend the legs without letting your feet touch the ground.
Press through the balls of your feet to extend legs to straight.
This particular injury can prevent patients from extending their leg fully.
Release your twist and extend both your legs out in front of you.
Now move your knee forward and release your foot to extend your leg in front of you.
Extend your legs back out, and repeat.
Now extend your arm out above your head and extend your leg in the opposite direction.
Keep in mind that after the dip, you'll want to raise your hip as high as you can before you extend your leg out to the side.
First rotate once on each side then extend your legs away from your body to where you're comfortable.
Fallen star kick through: From a high plank position, bring left knee toward the center of your torso and then extend the leg under your body toward your right side, hovering it over the ground as you bring right hand to right hip.
Exhale as you extend your leg straight behind your body, being mindful to squeeze your glute at the end of each movement.
Next, while maintaining your balance, exhale and extend your legs so your body forms a V with your arms reaching straight out.
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