Sentences with phrase «extend your leg straight»

Begin to press right heel down extending the leg straight and gaze past your right armpit toward the ceiling.
Then extend both legs straight in that direction.
Exhale as you extend your leg straight behind your body, being mindful to squeeze your glute at the end of each movement.
Lying flat on your back, extend your legs straight out in front of you and bring the ball overhead with both hands.
Extend both legs straight up, with your head, shoulders, and back resting on the ground.
Extend your legs straight out so your feet reach just a few inches off the floor (c).
Extend legs straight up and keep lower back pressed into the bench (no arching).
For a challenge, extend your legs straight with locked knees.
Extend the legs straight as you reach your arms back and lengthen your upper spine into an arch.
Press your lower back down into the mat or floor, and extend your legs straight.
Curl head, neck, and shoulders off mat and extend both legs straight in a V shape.
To focus on your pelvic floor muscles in Plank pose, come to the top of a pushup position, aligning your wrists under your shoulders and extending your legs straight.
While keeping your arms extended straight, extend your legs straight out in front of you about 6 inches off of the ground with your knees locked.
Over time you can explore more advanced options such as clasping the big toe and extending the leg straight out in front, out to the side, and even twisting.
With your hand on the very edge of the chair or ledge, extend your legs straight out.
Extend the legs straight out in front, wider than the shoulders, flex the feet and take the arms straight up and out to the sides at shoulder level.
Extend your legs straight out instead of bending them for added difficulty.
Extend legs straight up.
Extend both legs straight and return to plank position for one rep (c).

Not exact matches

Roll up 4 counts, hold at the top, extend your arms forward, legs straight or bent in a table top position.
Incomplete or Footling Breech: A footling breech is when the baby's legs are extended and facing straight down.
A forty percent complete skeleton, many of her large bones had been preserved through fossilization and from these, and in particular the femur (thigh bone) and pelvis, we know she stood upright and moved about on two legs and it was claimed she walked in the same manner as humans today: a straight legged stride, knees extended, posture upright.
From child's pose, lift hips then extend legs toward straight, keeping the feet hip width or wider.
Fold the upper body over the left leg, then swiftly rise up into Wild Thing pose, bending the body back so deeply that the arm extends straight behind your head and the left leg and right thigh rise off the ground.
Extend left leg straight up and lift your hips off the mat (picture A).
Extend your right leg straight.
Stand with your legs hip - width apart, then extend them straight behind you and press your weight evenly across both feet.
Keeping your back straight and the left knee slightly bent, lean your upper body forward while extending your free leg behind you for better balance.
Push up until your arms are straight, bend your left leg until kneeling (keep your foot off the floor) and extend your right leg straight back.
Then, extend your right leg straight, with your right foot flexed (c).
Your arm and leg should meet in the middle of your body, with your leg extended straight out from your waist.
With a flat back and engaged core, extend your right arm and left leg straight out so they're parallel with the floor.
Sit up tall with legs extended in front of you and pressed tightly together, arms straight above your head.
Press through the balls of your feet to extend legs to straight.
Keeping your right leg straight, extend it up to your side, reaching hold of your ankle with your right hand.
Come into a forearm plank with elbows under shoulders, hands clasped and legs extended to straight.
Seated Leg Fold: Sit on the mat with your legs extended out straight in front of you.
Place your right hand on the ground and your left hand on your hip, then extend your left leg straight out to the side at hip level.
Extend your right leg straight back, reaching your lower leg toward your left side.
Slowly point your foot as you inhale, extending your right leg straight back and then flex your foot as you slowly exhale and bend the knee back in toward your butt.
Place hands on the ground and extend right leg straight back, then lift.
Lie on your side with bottom knee bent and top leg extended to straight.
Lie on your back with your legs extended straight up from your hips.
Next, while maintaining your balance, exhale and extend your legs so your body forms a V with your arms reaching straight out.
Extend your left leg straight out, letting it hover an inch off of the ground.
Extend your right leg straight out to the side, resting your right foot flat on the floor.
Sit on the floor with legs extended straight out, feet together, palms at sides a few inches behind you with fingers pointing toward body.
Begin in a straight - arm plank with hands directly below shoulders and legs extended straight out behind you.
Bend the left knee deeply and extend the right leg straight up into the air.
Lie faceup with legs extended straight out in a wide split, hands lightly behind head for support (A).
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