Sentences with phrase «extended activity»

You might extend the activity by asking students to research a few of the players on the list and to provide three facts they learned about each player.
Each link below takes you to a hands - on activity and ideas for extending that activity.
A challenge question at the bottom of each page extends the activity.
In consequence, the immediate need of our business life is not more extended activity but more fundamental morality.
Extended activities include games, crafts, gym, swimming, playground and nature.
Individual peel - off stickers work better than those on pages (if your little ones fingers can manage them), because all the time spent peeling extends the activity.
As your child grows, extend the activity by creating a family tree with names and pictures.
And, since students are in school longer on each of the four days, the extra time allows enough time for extended activities.
With the transfer window reopening on July 1, clubs from the Premier League are likely to extend their activity in terms of recruiting players.
Meanwhile, back in the Europe, JLW extends its activities into Scotland, Ireland and continental Europe.
Teachers can also extend the activity by asking students to practice writing «how - tos.»
The series will pursue its world tour, and further extend the activities of the spin - off GAMEHOTEL THINK TANK.
CLIF Organic Energy Food is designed to specifically meet the nutritional needs of athletes before or during extended activity using real food ingredients.
The adjoining north lawn provides a flat, grassy space to extend activities beyond the shady grove.
Meanwhile, back in Europe, JLW extends its activities into Scotland, Ireland and continental Europe.
The kids also extended the activity on their own one fine day by taking out their beanbag turtles — in the exact colours — and matched the sticks to the turtles and eventually the craft sticks became swords for the turtles, and a war ensued.
As the communication conglomerates extend their activities to more countries, the production of culture and information takes on a cosmopolitan hue and suggests the emergence of a global culture.
Industries that can survive only with protection from external competition favor the former; those that profit from extending their activities across national boundaries support the latter.
* ALA can also recycle the antioxidant Vitamins C and E, thereby extending their activities.
Medicine and it's history are huge topics so extending the activity is easy to achieve through out of class work.
The possibilities for extended activities inspired by this song both musical and non musical are endless.
The «Extended Activity Provision in Secondary Schools» report, looks at the views and attitudes of school leaders, teachers and parents in regards to an extended school day in secondary schools.
- 18 - Page Extended Activities Activities: The included activities are great to use for review of the concepts in the game!
Daily, monthly and extended activity flea control products for dogs and for cats are available by prescription at Pet Vet Animal Hospitals.
This soft - shell insulated jacket helps you and your pup extend activities in inclement weather, protecting against rain, snow, wind and cold.
Other dogs» gaits will worsen with exercise, and they may resist extended activity.
This is probably against the terms of the program, and I'm sure United doesn't enjoy the thought of people booking and cancelling to extend their activity date.
However, the moderating influence of cool, marine air, combined with daily fog, extends activity throughout the summer.
Extending his activities into TV, Blue continued accepting character roles until retiring from acting in 1954.
You could further extend this activity by placing the shells in water and asking the children to fish for them.
We also recommend the use of Branched Chain Amino Acids during extended activity, and possibly the use of complete protein supplements such as whey or egg protein powders if the individual is not able to have a meal for an extended period of time.
You could also extend the activity by getting students to draw diagrams that support each of the macroeconomic objectives examined.
With the transfer window reopening on July 1, clubs from the Premier League are likely to extend their activity in...
He extended his activities to the Continent.
Enjoy a CLIF Nut Butter Filled Energy Bar with water before and during extended activity, such as a long hike or bike ride.
This activity was so tempting for an extended activity beyond pretend play that I made an extra printable to accommodate it.
Once he's gotten good at putting items in the container, you can extend the activity by choosing a narrow - mouthed container and longer toys (rectangular blocks, pegs, plastic spoons).
Ways to extend the activity: Ask children which direction the wind is blowing.
Extending the activity is a great way to encourage sustained attention in your little one.
You can also use a few packs of feathers, different shapes and sizes, to extend this activity to types of feather matching.
To extend the activity further, your child could cut pictures from magazines or ads that begin with each sound on the caterpillar body.
We used the vinegar to extend the activity to snack time What a great idea!
You might look at the recommended book Itsy Bitsy Spider by Annie Kubler to extend this activity.
An extended activity that takes preschoolers through the growing process, from seed to consumption.
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