Sentences with phrase «extended bed rest»

With fillers, chemical peels and laser treatments patients commonly experience puffiness, swelling, bruising and extended bed rest and downtime.
Extended bed rest, always sitting in a chair, or standing in place for too long can lead to blood clots, lower oxygen levels, and contribute to varicose veins.
Those on extended bed rest often are shown to have their bones stop building new bone and matter.

Not exact matches

Check with your HR department for full details, but expect that you will be able to start STD if you are placed on medical bed rest with a doctor's note and your benefits will typically extend 6 to 8 weeks after your birth, depending on if your birth was vaginal or c - section.
So what we need is detailed topo maps of the bed and thickness of the GIS, and to work out a map of the «net buoyancy», or some such (i.e. total ice area density subtracted from the area density of a hypothetical column of water resting on the bed and extending up to sea level).
Even if not, FMLA is only 12 weeks, so if she's placed on bed - rest (or some other extended complication), her time off from work would exceed the FMLA limit I think?
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