Sentences with phrase «extended learning opportunities»

How will we provide extended learning opportunities for students who have mastered the content?
The third question dealt with the role of extended learning opportunities, and what part they should play in expanding readiness.
This department also provides services to support additional student learning needs such as extended learning opportunities, language acquisition, and early childhood education.
Teachers can build extended learning opportunities into the school day to engage students who use the Internet and watch movies and television.
If we could combine such a strategy with lower class sizes and extended learning opportunities after school, we could see major gains for struggling students.
The social studies teacher in today's classroom can use technology to extend learning opportunities for K - 12 students.
With a fixed amount of square footage inside the school walls, some schools have extended learning opportunities into their outdoor spaces.
Richmond Middle School & High School After five years of a successful proficiency - based learning system, the school is furthering personalized learning by developing extended learning opportunities and community - based learning to build experiences around students» aspirations.
Extend learning opportunities by adding additional sets, curriculum packs, software or training options to maximize your in - class teaching resources.
The Conference will offer extended learning opportunities through networking at the local, state and regional levels, team planning, and opportunities for in - depth discussions.
-- value and extend learning opportunities in everyday life — improve the quality of the Home Learning Environment — develop secure attachment relationships with their babies and children
«After school extended learning opportunities strengthen our students» chance of success.
MSP students will participate in three specific extended learning opportunities: a Capstone course, paid internship experiences, and K - 12 outreach opportunities.
Both the staff and students have really got on board and understand the value of eLearning resources and how much they can help extend the learning opportunities when it comes to exam preparation and improving general attainment.
Gage said that Arkansas is encouraging localities and districts to think about extended learning opportunities as they apply for stimulus money.
Consideration of funding levels for certain extended learning opportunities like summer school, preschool or dual enrollment;
Of all school factors — from extended learning opportunities to family and community engagement to smaller class sizes — teachers exert the largest impact on student achievement.
Educare keeps quality high by offering ongoing professional development, engaging families to extend learning opportunities at home, and using data to inform classroom practice.
Pittsfield Middle High School During extended learning opportunities that take place outside of the school, students demonstrate authentic and novel learning.
«Reinventing Project Based Learning features great examples of extended learning opportunities for students coupled with best practice uses of the Read / Write Web technologies that are changing the world.
«How to manage the change process in the schools, evaluate teachers» use of the new standards during instruction, align the school's instructional focus, make key decisions on the best types of professional development to support teachers, and develop extended learning opportunities to sufficiently address CCSS implementation.»
Specifically, the state now requires districts to create local policies that ensure that they are «meeting the instructional needs of each individual student» and to show that they provide alternative means of demonstrating achievement such as extended learning opportunities, career and technical education courses, and distance education.
Overview Afterschool / Out - of - School Time (OST) programs provide extended learning opportunities to help youth succeed academically and develop important social, personal, civic, and employability skills.
Pupils and staff need to be able to access school systems from home and elsewhere from a range of devices, in order to extend learning opportunities and support administrative functions.
Programs range from Stanford Online High School to specialized dropout prevention high schools run in partnership with community - based nonprofits toRocketship, which plows savings from technology into extended learning opportunities and higher teacher salaries, to the North Carolina Virtual Public School, a signature program of Democratic Governor Bev Purdue (launched when she was the state's Lt. Governor).
BBA advocates providing universal access to health care for children, quality early - childhood education, and expanded access to extended learning opportunities, after school and during the summer.
With small classroom sizes, high performing test scores, and extended learning opportunities (i.e. Spanish classes), Capitol Riverfront provides students with a thoughtful education designed to best meet their specific needs.
With a class website you can post assignments, project due dates, events, extended learning opportunities, and explain what educational strategies you are using in the classroom.
Beginning in middle school the OHSCS provides high school placement services and connects students with summer and extended learning opportunities.
These extended learning opportunities allow a balance of academics and co-curricular or extracurricular activities that are important to students» broader development.
This department includes college and career planning, career and technical education, extended learning opportunities, and school counseling and academic planning.
Terrence shared examples of extended learning opportunities — internships and panels.
The district started an extended learning opportunity (ELO) program that would encourage and develop educational opportunities that were personalized for every student regardless of their learning ability and or socioeconomic status.
Obstacles can be overcome with the implementation of the proper wraparound systems, such as access to full service schools, early learning, quality afterschool services or extended learning opportunities, the arts, athletics, and mental health and wellness support.
Some have argued, and rightly so, that the persistent opportunity gap between low - income students and their wealthier peers should be addressed by extending learning opportunities to all students in high - poverty schools to ensure that they have access to a well - rounded education.
This case study describes how one rural high school broke down this paradigm through support for extended learning opportunities, while maintaining a commitment to excellence and rigor of experiences for all students.
The National AfterSchool Association is the membership association for professionals who work with children and youth in diverse school and community - based settings to provide a wide variety of extended learning opportunities and care during out - of - school hours.
This includes an audit of the courses, programs of study, postsecondary alignment and extended learning opportunities (or work - based learning) currently available in the state's six career fields (agriculture, health sciences, communication and information systems, business, education, and skilled and technical sciences).
We are a state affiliate of the National AfterSchool Association (NAA), the membership association for professionals who work with children and youth in diverse school and community - based settings to provide a wide variety of extended learning opportunities and care during out - of - school hours.
The Capitol Riverfront staff takes pride in delivering excellent educational outcomes for students in a nurturing environment with small classroom sizes, high performing test scores, and extended learning opportunities.
Principals noted a compelling need for more adequate preparation and professional development in specific leadership areas, such as how to manage the change process in the schools, evaluate teachers» use of the new standards during instruction, align the school's instructional focus, make key decisions on the best types of professional development to support teachers, and develop extended learning opportunities to sufficiently address CCSS implementation.
Course selection, teaching styles and extended learning opportunities are tailored to each student's graduation plan.
Extended learning opportunities such as job shadowing, mentoring and field trips foster college and career readiness and connect our students to real world success.
ScholarCentric's middle and high school materials, technology, and services align well with Title I, Part A funding in the following categories: professional development to build teacher capacity, extended learning opportunities to improve student achievement, and other tactics to improve student performance.
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