Sentences with phrase «extended spine»

Sitting in a chair with a rounded back or a straight back or a extended spine is bad for you because of immobility.
Repetitive compressed folding and twisting, without a lifted chest and an extended spine, can result in back injuries over time that take months, if not years, to recover from.
Keep a neutral, to slighlty extended spine with your shoulders at least slightly higher then your hips.
Extend your spine, lifting your chest and thighs off the floor.
Extend your spine so that your head is slightly lower than your hips at the bottom of the movement.
Instead, warm up gently by flexing and extending your spine.
Crescent lunge opens the front of the body, extends the spine and builds leg strength and balance.
Folding forward with a long, extending spine versus a rounded upper back, prevents the lumbar spine from compressing.
Keep the knees slightly bent initially to help extend the spine.
Inhale, rock to the front of your sitting bones and extend your spine forward with an open heart like Cow Pose (Bitilasana).
Their action is to extend the spine, so keeping them active prevents the flattening out of our lumbar curve.
This is usually done with a forward lean which extends our spine and lifts our tail bone putting a passive tension on our pelvic floor.
To start the series, inhale and extend the spine, gently drawing the chest through the upper arms and the tailbone back, creating the tiniest of backbends.
Keeping your hips and knees bent, extend your spine to neutral and slowly lower down with control until your glutes touch the ground.
When doing any sort of low back exercise, avoid extending your spine backward beyond 180ْ.
Inhale slowly as you extend the spine upward from the coccyx, bringing the body upright and lifting the arms to the sides and overhead.
I have written about how swimming is a great extension activity, I have encouraged you all to lie for 5 minutes on your stomach each and every day, and I have written extensively about postural awareness helping to extend your spine throughout your day in both sitting and standing positions.
Your job is sitting, so I encourage you to extend your spine on breaks throughout the day.
As in all twists lengthen and soften the belly, extend the spine with each inhalation, and increase the twist as you exhale.
The main function of the Erector Spinae is to extend the spine.
However, you wouldn't want to engage these anyway, as the spinal erectors are concentrically contracting to extend the spine.
The primary function of this collective muscle group is to extend the spine (aka bend backwards, reach up to the sky).
Most fitness facilities offer multiple back extension machines, but each is similar in that it requires you to extend your spine against resistance.
Square your torso over your right leg and begin to extend your spine forward and down.
The Glasgow - based artist confesses that he came up with the show's title at a yoga class: «The teacher was saying something about extending your spine to... lessen the brain activity.»

Not exact matches

Keeping your belly button pulled in towards your spine, extend your right arm and right leg simultaneously, until they're almost touching the ground.
Does the new spine mean the Frenchman will be extending his stay to try and win titles again?
The spine of the team must be strengthened in the next transfer window whether or not Wenger is still in charge.Now that we are no longer in contention for a top four spot Chamber, Holding and AMN should be given an extended run in the team.
Letting an infant sleep in that position for extended periods of time can lower oxygen levels by 20 %,, cause suffocation, and also damage the spine.
Extreme (but plausible) results of sitting for extended periods of time include: heart disease, overproductive pancreas, colon cancer, foggy brain, strained neck, sore shoulders and back, mushy abs, tight hips, limp glutes, inflexible spine, disc damage, poor circulation, and soft bones.
Extend your forearm and hand down her back to support her neck, spine, and bottom.
The posterior baby's back is often extended straight, even arched, along the mother's spine.
Instead the baby's spine is straightened and often hyper extended (concave «hollow back» shaped) due to weak abdominal muscles and lack of leg support.
The use of cradle boards by the Native populations which also inadequately support the legs and retract the shoulders, places the spine in a compromising «hollow back» or hyper - extended position.
Paws strike one at a time, and a flexible spine extends reach.
Their axons can go great distances, the longest ones extending all the way from the toes to the base of the spine.
Many fish have defensive spines extending from fins on the tops and bottoms of their bodies.
One of its unexpected features is a pair of inch - long bony spines protruding from the front edge of the fins, which extended sideways from just behind its head.
Inhale to lengthen through the thoracic spine, exhale to extend the lumbar spine out of the pelvis to prevent compression.
If the arms and shoulders allow, extend them out all the way, allowing for the lift in this posture to be in the breastbone area, opening into the thoracic spine.
By extending the torso up toward the sky, you'll increase flexibility your the spine, neck and shoulders.
Keep your core tight and your spine in neutral position as you hinge forward at your hips, letting the kettlebell fall towards the floor and your left leg extend up and back.
Another often overlooked problem when squatting is raising the hips faster than the chest and shoulders, which can excessively stress your lumbar spine as you extend the lower back, so make a mental note to always raise your hips and shoulders at the same time, just as you bend your hips and knees at the same time on your way down.
From all fours, lift your right leg and extend it long behind you while you reach your left arm forward, lengthening the spine as you extend your arm and leg in opposite directions.
Since extended sitting hunches the back and pulls the shoulders inwards, shoulder opening exercises are very beneficial for the chest, shoulders, spine and back muscles.
According to most definitions, the trapezius muscles are large, diamond - shaped surface muscles that extend longitudinally from the occipital bone to the lower thoracic vertebrae and laterally to the spine of the scapula.
Make the back of your neck (cervical spine) long by tucking the chin in slightly and extending the crown of your head forward.
As you inhale, draw your belly button toward the spine and engage your lower abs, then extend your right arm and left leg and lift them off the floor until they form a straight line with the rest of your body, keeping the spine neutral.
Try to keep the body straight and not hyper extended through the lower spine.
Extend and reach forward while rounding spine down; push and lengthen arms forward as though rowing, reaching weights toward toes (B).
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