Sentences with phrase «extended year»

Every extra minute we give ourselves to sleeping enough or eating well may help extend our years of healthy life long term.
The advertising credit was first approved for one year in 2011 and then extended another year in 2012.
If her salary doesn't clear $ 30,000 one year, she gets a pass on repayment, and the contract extends a year.
Maybe 1 year contract with the option to extend another year if he is selected in the squad for like, I don't know, 70 % of the games.
Simply extending the year well after assessments are given might mean that students and teachers spend more days filling (or killing) time before the end of the year.
Extended year calendars add instructional days to the mandated annual requirement and may include other features of a year - round calendar.
By taking this time to follow all the rules of the road, you'll see financial benefits that extend years in the future if you look up replacement policies.
LONDON, Oct 3 - Key Euribor and Libor bank - to - bank rates hit fresh record lows on Wednesday, as the huge volume of cash pumped into the banking system by the European Central Bank and the prospect of further cuts in its interest rates extended a year - long slide.
The research also takes a closer look at extended year graduation rates and how these calculations may impact the national graduation rate:
Bulletin # 109 - Extended Year Summer Special Education Program - Teachers Please chose your second choice?
Well, if current research is accurate, the ancient Babylonian king would have been better off staying at home and sleeping a solid eight to nine hours a night, in order to extend his years on Earth.
If you have a year in which you earn $ 30,000 or less, you don't have to pay anything, but your term extends a year, up to a maximum of 15 years.
In order to franchise Tank again next year, they have to get Martin extended this year.
Whatever movements are done... the goal would be to free wages, convince Özil but even more Sanchez to at least extend a year or 2 with a promise to let them go next year if nothing significant is won.
there is a real danger that that this vicious cycle will perpetuate for extended years to come.
Sign Ohtani, promise to extend him a year later, burn after reading.
It has been extended this year from a week - long event because of its popularity and will feature a range of events organised to promote game, which has seen an explosion in popularity in recent years.
With the mayoral control law set to expire at the end of June, the Senate bill would extend it another year through June 30, 2017 — smack in the middle of de Blasio's re-election campaign.
Specifically, policies aimed at extending the years spent working may have limited effect if retirement decisions are primarily driven by family considerations such as the arrival of a new grandchild.
The extended day, which runs from 8:20 a.m. to 3:35 p.m., and extended year give students more time for learning, engaging projects and participation in Arts & Technology.
The law itself is silent on this question, precisely so that states can decide whether to use that figure or the «extended year adjusted cohort» rate (which allows schools to get credit for summer graduates).
The law has been up for renewal since 2007, with Congress extending it a year at a time.
How many more military activities, commemorations, celebrations and values will schools be asked to absorb as the season of remembrance and recognition extends year - round?
Hawaii is unique in that the growing season extends year round.
Gallery North may be the final stop in Brodsky's whirlwind extended year of art exhibitions.
By any measure, Stan Brodsky is having a banner extended year.
I don't really expect to see much of that in my lifetime, unless medical science improves to extend my years like the Cumean Sibyl's.
GM and Ford have also announced extended year - end plant shutdowns.
The compromise in the bill extends it another year while a new program is finalized based on the new metering rules and other factors.
Most judges in England tend to be too «paternalistic in their approach», he said, typically awarding women maintenance payments that «extend years into the future».
This also allows for the complainant to «fix» the story to possibly another time or date, example: «sometime between Jan. 1 and Jan 31» or even extend the years of when the offence took place (such as: «between 2007 and 20010») rather than exact date and time (such as: «Jan 15 at 6 pm»).
Extended Year Reading / Writing Program - Grade 5, including read - aloud, guided reading, shared reading, independent reading, word study, and Teacher's College Writing Project techniques.
That could suggest British Airways is planning to phase out this discount rather than go through the usual motion of extending it year after year.
LONDON, Oct 3 (Reuters)- Key Euribor and Libor bank - to - bank rates hit fresh record lows on Wednesday, as the huge volume of cash pumped into the banking system by the European Central Bank and the prospect of further cuts in its interest rates extended a year - long slide.
The vital production tax credit (PTC) that gives the wind industry a fighting chance to compete with the heavily subsidized oil, natural gas and coal industries may not be extended this year by a gridlocked Congress.
Modifying the repayment term of a student loan by extending the years of repayment may allow borrowers to enjoy lower monthly payments.
Bulletin # 109 - Extended Year Summer Special Education Program - Teachers Please chose your first choice?
My parents had Allstate for more than 10 years and when they bought life insurance a year later we read trough the policy and they included my dad as a female, found a better company with more coverage and extended the years on the term policy..
LONDON, Oct 3 - Key Euribor bank - to - bank lending rates hit fresh record lows on Wednesday, as the huge volume of cash pumped into the banking system by the European Central Bank and the prospect of further cuts in its interest rates extended a year - long slide.
Meanwhile, key Euribor and Libor bank - to - bank rates hit fresh record lows on Wednesday, as the huge volume of cash pumped into the banking system by the European Central Bank and the prospect of further cuts in its interest rates extended a year - long slide.
Oil prices will struggle to break past $ 60 a barrel next year as they extend a year - long slump on continued worries over a global crude glut, major investment banks say.
Equity Markets: Will the market correction be extended this year?
From Carter McNeese: A couple of years ago I stumbled onto something that I have really liked that I am extending this year.
SPRING: April 5 — May 19, Open Weekends (Friday — Sunday) SUMMER: May 24 — September 29, Open Daily FALL: October 4 — October 27, Open Weekends (Friday — Sunday) Pool Cafe hours will also be extended this year.
City simply do not have to do that; Aguero has 3 years left on a contract he extended a year or so ago so City do not have the financial constraints that Arsenal have.
Earl knows he needs to get traded / extended this year.
The next stop is an all - day language - focused pre-kindergarten for 200 4 - year - olds, who then graduate into a K - 12 charter school that has an extended day and an extended year and employs some of the intensive academic practices developed in the KIPP schools.
It continues with language - intensive prekindergarten, which feeds into a rigorous K - 12 charter school with an extended day and an extended year.
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