Sentences with phrase «extending human lives»

The effect is enormous, and not just in extending human lives; it also improves those lives.
Another great example comes from Medtronic, the medical device manufacturer, whose mission statement is: «To extend human life
Transhumanists aim to use advanced computing, engineering, and biological manipulation to improve and extend human life.
Understanding how they work may reveal the keys to extending human life span while banishing diseases of old age
Researchers can not tell whether calorie restriction extends human life, because our species tends to live too long to make this kind of experimentation possible.
They are not even thinking about extending the human life span to 150 or 200 years, at least not in the short term.
Funded by several Silicon Valley entrepreneurs, including Arthur Levinson of Apple, venture capitalist Yuri Milner, and Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg, the Breakthrough Prize aims to «recogniz [e] excellence in research aimed at curing intractable diseases and extending human life,» according to the foundation's Web site.
If that's the case, it would mean that stopping aging would not extend human life span by much.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, aviator Charles Lindbergh, along with scientist Alexis Carrel, conceived of many inventions and procedures to extend human life, such as an artificial heart perfusion pump.
«Could removal of aging cells extend human life?.»
Edward Boyden, an associate professor of media arts and sciences, biological engineering, and brain and cognitive sciences, was one of five scientists honored with the Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences, given for «transformative advances toward understanding living systems and extending human life
Clip: Aubrey de Grey, Paul Root Wolpe, and Brian Kennedy discuss who would have access to treatments that can extend human lives and whether or not it will increase the gap between rich and poor.
The prize was created by Sergey Brin and Anne Wojcicki, Mark Zuckerburg and Priscilla Chan and Yuri Milner to reward scientists working to cure disease and extend human life.
Whitehead Institute Founding Member Robert Weinberg is among 11 scientists to receive the new Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences, intended to recognize excellence in research aimed at curing intractable diseases and extending human life.
The new award, called the Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences, recognizes excellence in research aimed at curing intractable diseases and extending human life.
Therapies that could be based on that insight are still in very early stages, he says — it's not easy to manipulate processes that have so many downstream consequences — but finding ways to address problems with chromatin might eventually help to extend human lives.
The prospects for extending human life.
Every day discoveries are made that extend human life, improve human health, increase human wealth, promote human happiness, enrich human lives.
Although it is impossible to place a monetary value on human life, economic decisions are frequently made that indicate how much money society is willing to spend to extend human life in contexts such as medical treatments and the design of transportation systems.

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If a new technology is developed in the next few years that radically extends the life expectancy of human beings, odds are good that it will come out of a company backed by Peter Thiel.
It has allowed us to understand sanitation which has increased human health and life extending the average life span while increasing infant mortality rates.
If so, then Wesley could extend to bodies his understanding of how God works in the human psyche and in all living things — that is, inwardly and persuasively.
What it means is a resident of Hammarby Sjostad is able to live, more or less, at a level calculated to be sustainable for all of the world's 6 billion humans — as compared with the American lifestyle, which would require five additional earths if it were extended across all humanity.
The declining cost and increased availability of computer technology means that this technology is being extended into most areas of human living, literally reshaping human perception of reality.
On this view, human freedom extends to absolute mastery over one's life, a mastery which extends to being killed or assisted in suicide so long as these are voluntary acts.»
A good city clearly is part of an ecological order — it is a means by which humans live over an extended period in the natural landscape.
The only places in which a general account of the coming to be of the human being is implicit are in pp. 290 - 296, and 528 - 531, extending my remarks to other living things, none of which do I believe to be intelligible either in their nature and behaviour or in their origin in purely physicalistic terms.
The argument from suffering reaches beyond medicine's responsibility and competence; it extends into metaphysical questions about the nature of human happiness and what constitutes a meaningful life.
Instead, the rationale appears to be that an extended life span would simply satisfy many private desires: first, hardly anyone wants to die; second, as a basic human good, life is worth extending indefinitely; and, third, it would be remiss of science not to respond to that ancient expression of human hope and desire.
The truly intimidating feature of a greatly extended life span, much less earthly immortality, is that just about everything else in human life would have to be changed to make it worthwhile.
Without solving enduring human problems, a medically extended life span could simply set the stage for more of the same social miseries.
John Hall Wheelock, a minor twentieth - century poet — dubbed «the last romantic» in the title of his oral autobiography — captured movingly some of the reasons we desire more life, our sense (nevertheless) that a complete human life can not mean an indefinitely extended one, and the....
This idea of the planetary totalization of human consciousness (with its unavoidable corollary, that wherever there are life - bearing planets in the Universe, they too will become encompassed, like the Earth, with some form of planetized spirit) may at first sight seem fantastic: but does it not exactly correspond to the facts, and does it not logically extend the cosmic curve of molecularization?
The state oversteps its boundaries and encroaches upon human dignity when it seeks to extend its authority into all areas of human life in the same way that the church ceases to be true to its own commission when it becomes an organ of the state.
Thus a full - blown temporal hierarchy is postulated, from the rhythms of human consciousness, through those of countless species of living organisms, to those of matter — longer durations extending over briefer durations, these extending over briefer durations still.
But it is also the challenge that we have moral obligations which extend even beyond the human community to other living things and their habitats.
Aldo Leopold and J. Baird Callicott project the possibility and the desirability of extending the realm of moral consideration beyond the human community to include not only warm - blooded creatures, not only animals who can feel pain, but all living things and their systems and habitats (SCA 237 - 39, IDLE 76 - 94).
This holds whether we are thinking of how to grow more grain in the tropics, reduce the birth rate, control inflation, stimulate economic growth, get rid of tooth decay, provide better health care, find some way to turn garbage into a useful resource, reduce air pollution, win the next election, avoid war with Russia, develop human potential, extend the length of life, or find a cure for cancer.
Someday humans will understand that death is a disease and scientists will find a cure giving all of us extended lives.
Science is the only tool humans have to make life better and extend it.
The koinonia of life extends beyond the human community.
I should also make it clear that I don't befriend all homeless people, just the ones I pass on a regular basis because I feel like it's my duty as a human to extend any act of kindness I can — whether it's a big ass grin or a cup of coffee or an hour long conversation on aforementioned bench in the dead of winter — to the people who appear in my life more days than not.
Boobs can, in fact, be quite functional; like being used to sustain another human life for an extended period of time.
In this latest advance reported in PNAS, the Wyss team showed that the human gut - on - a-chip's unique ability to co-culture intestinal cells with living microbes from the normal gut microbiome for an extended period of time, up to two weeks, could allow breakthrough insights into how the microbial communities that flourish inside our GI tracts contribute to human health and disease.
If the human life span were significantly extended, could we fill our brains?
In August, 1997, Nobelist Thomas Cech of the University of Colorado at Boulder and colleagues at Geron isolated the human gene for telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTRT)-- an enzyme that reknits loosening telomeres and extends a cell's life.
Reflections on longevity have usually gone beyond acknowledging the basic shortness of human life and have included thinking about methods to extend life.
But in Beyond Human: How Cutting - Edge Science Is Extending Our Lives (Thomas Dunne Books, 2016; 304 pages), science writer Eve Herold goes a step further and examines medical innovations emerging in robotics, genetics and nanotechnology that promise to enhance our bodies and minds.
All a team has to do is extend a lab mouse's life beyond the current record of 4.98 years — the equivalent of a 150 - year - old human.
If standardized and reactive medicine managed to double the human life span in a century, just imagine how far personalized and preventive medicine might extend it.
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