Sentences with phrase «extension peak moment»

The posterior deltoid displays a shoulder extension peak moment arm length at 30 degrees (length = -33.0 mm), while its lowest moment arm length is displayed at 120 degrees (length = -16.3 mm).
In contrast, the chart shows that the lower sternocostal head of the pectoralis major actually displays a shoulder extension peak moment arm of -9.3 mm at 98 degrees (arms just above parallel with the ground).

Not exact matches

Comparing different squat variations, Swinton et al. (2012) reported that peak knee extension moment arm lengths were greatest in the order box > traditional > powerlifting squat variations.
Moreover, the hip extension moment measured during deadlifts appears to be slightly greater than that measured in the traditional back squat and this may be a result of the greater peak external moment arm at the hip, (c.f. Escamilla et al. 2000; Escamilla et al. 2001b).
Landin & Thompson (2010) investigated the effect of elbow flexion and shoulder extension joint angle on the peak moment of the long head of the triceps.
Again, the difference in peak hip extension moments between these lifting variations may be a function of the peak external moment arm in each case, with the straight - leg position placing the hip joint further from the system center of mass than the bent - leg position.
They found that the straight - leg lift displayed the greatest peak hip extension moment (124Nm), followed by the bent - leg lift with the load far from the body (105Nm), and finally the bent - leg lift with the load close to the body (88Nm).
In each case, the peak hip extension moment was observed at the point the load left the ground.
In contrast, Ackland et al. (2008) showed that the posterior deltoid displayed a peak shoulder extension moment arm length of -33.0 mm at 30 degrees of flexion (arm pointing down), indicating that it likely acts as a primary shoulder extensor, second to the teres major while the arm is close to the body.
In this plane, the superior and inferior fibers seem to have greater peak moment arm lengths than the middle fibers, implying that the superior and inferior fibers are most important for scapular plane shoulder extension.
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