Sentences with phrase «extensive ties»

Both the AUC and rival left - wing paramilitary groups, namely the FARC rebels, developed extensive ties to drug trafficking.
But we know that congressional and DOJ investigators believe that Trump's campaign might have helped guide Russia's voter targeting scheme and that Flynn, who worked for Trump's campaign and with Cambridge Analytica, is suspected of having extensive ties with Russian operatives.
We recently reported that a high - ranking official at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had resigned after extensive ties to Coca - Cola were exposed.
The BBC report comes amid claims, contained in a dossier written by former British spy Christopher Steele, of Trump's extensive ties to Russia.
Both Presidents named lawyers who had extensive ties to representing Wall Street to head its top cop, the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Chow has extensive ties to Hawaii, he has long been seen as an offensive wizard, and he is highly unlikely to leave for a better job if he succeeds there.
Two the researchers have extensive ties to the statin industry!!
A report this May from SUNY Buffalo did not disclose «extensive ties» between its authors and the natural gas industry.
A quick glance at the Board of Directors of Brookfield Asset Management, the company managing the private - public park being used as the Occupy Wall Street base, shows they have extensive ties to the oil, gas, and tar sands industry.
Susan grew up in the area and has extensive ties to the community.
Election records show the campaign paid the firm $ 5.9 million, and the firm's extensive ties to Trump have been the subject of numerous media reports during and after the campaign.
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