Sentences with phrase «extent of the infection»

Until such a time as extent of this infection is realised, Border Collie Rescue will be applying biosecurity precautions to all dogs coming into our care from UK farms and rural communities in line with our procedures during the 2001 outbreak.
It is like a giant oozing sore that announces the extent of the infection.
The new test uses quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR), which amplifies fungal DNA to identify the species present and measure the extent of infection.
And this protein is involved in the extent of infection in an intermediate species, and potentially involved in the extent of human infection.»
Types of treatment methods vary in intensity according to the extent of the infection.
Your vet will examine your dog's ear to determine the extent of the infection using an otoscope.
Treatment for a yeast infection varies according to the source and extent of the infection.
However, if his skin condition does not improve over the next week, we will need to do a skin culture to determine the extent of his infection.
Treatment varies from oral medications to surgical drainage or removal depending on the extent of the infection.
X-rays can determine where in the lungs the flukes have infected, as well as the extent of the infection.
These tests might include bacterial culture of the wall of the abscess (culturing the pus itself is not useful), x-rays and / or ultrasound to determine the location and extent of the infection, and blood tests to determine the response of the immune system and the condition of other organs.
The new ruling will give officials a better handle on the extent of the infection within a year of mandatory testing.
The age of the patient, extent of infection, amount of tooth or root damage, periodontal health of the tooth, duration of pulp exposure and importance of the tooth will help decide which treatment is best.
X-rays and ultrasounds of the chest or the mediastinum region will be ordered to locate the extent of the infection.
Dr. Schantz indicated that the priorities in the investigation are aimed at determining the extent of infection in foxhounds, the possible involvement of other breeds, determine the modes of transmission and the potential public health significance.
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