Sentences with phrase «extent of the work»

The caloric needs of working or stressed dogs may exceed the levels of a maintenance diet, depending on the animal and extent of work performed.
Managing Director of Multi Tv Santokh Singh who led the Multi-media team expressed his excitement at extent of work done considering the tight schedule the contractor is working with.
That's the extent of their work.
Because they worked at a top - secret camp whose location and operational procedures are highly classified, neither Turner nor York would discuss individual Guantanamo detainees with whom they interacted or the extent of their work with Task Force Platinum.
But the nature and extent of this work was not publicly known.
The third charge against Flynn says he misrepresented the extent of his work on behalf of the Turkish government through his firm, the Flynn Intel Group.
Thus far the results are modest in comparison with the extent of the work done.
Throughout the extent of his work, Lewis's writing is marked by an unmistakable sense of wonder; the kind of tireless curiosity that manifests itself time and again, never in the same way as the last.
It all depends on the extent of the work
The tour, conducted by Engineer Stephan Coret of Africa Building Partners, contractor for the Mother and Baby Unit facility, took the team round and showed them the extent of work.
A team from the First Lady's office and Multimedia Group has toured construction site for the new Mother and Baby Unit for Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital, spearheaded by the First Lady Mrs. Rebecca Akufo - Addo, to assess the extent of work since sod cutting in May 2017.
I don't know the extent of his work on the project.
Legislative leaders fought to keep the Moreland Commission to Investigate Public Corruption, which was convened by Governor Andrew Cuomo, from subpoenaing records from their firms and others that employ legislators that would detail the extent of their work and their exact clients.
A world - first University of Melbourne — led study into the health and well - being of more than 154 million Indigenous and tribal people globally has revealed the extent of work that needs to be done if the UN is to meet its 2030 goals of ending poverty and inequality.
The pair discussed the extent of their working together, Timberlake's music supervision and creating compelling characters out of the little toy Trolls we... [Read more...]
Many people begin this process without realizing the extent of the work involved in creating a well - rounded video or set of videos.
The Marine Survey Technical occupation covers technical positions supervising, leading, or performing work involving surveying Government - owned and / or operated vessels, or privately - owned and operated merchant vessels, to determine their condition and the extent of work necessary for the vessels and their components to meet specified requirements.
Project management Students by and large has two explanations behind not beginning their postulation in a convenient way: they are overpowered with the extent of work, or they tarry.
Not only is the staff courteous and professional, but the extent of the work being done is superlative.
Angelique's dental can not be done at Austin Pets Alive due to lack of proper equipment and the extent of work required.
We don't know the extent of their work, but it would seem that they're quite involved.
The extent of their work on the Famicom Dragon Quest games is still not common knowledge in the West.
This notable collection, by the quality and extent of its works, includes pieces by the most important Concrete Art artists such as Josef Albers, Bernard Aubertin, Larry Bell, Max Bill, Antonio Calderara, Andreas Christen, Herman de Vries, Piero Dorazio, Sérvulo Esmeraldo, Auguste Herbin, Gottfried Honegger, Richard - Paul Lohse, François Morellet, Aurelie Nemours and Jesús Rafael Soto.
There are several factors to determine whether a use is fair - use, including the purpose and character of how it is being used, the extent of the work being used, the nature of the underlying work, and the monetary effect on the market.
In 1925, she wrote, «Some idea of the extent of the work in this Court may be gained from the fact that during the past year over sixty thousand dollars was collected from husbands who were trying to shirk their duty.
A reasonable amount of time seems to largely rest on the extent of the work to be done and the subjective opinion of the person answering the question.
The extent of her work has been to create a handful of images to share on social media explaining when and how to enroll.
For me, the extent of working out is when I have to run to catch the train before it leaves the station, or shoveling snow when we get the next inevitable nor» easter.
Furthermore, to make you more attractive to potential employers, I suggest, simply going back only 10 years in your work history to reduce the extent of your work experiences.
The infographics 2013 on our site will give you a visual of the extent of the work we for clients all over the world.
A dedicated individual who excels in: • Reviewing auto damage reports and providing customers with information on the extent of work required on their vehicles.
One to two pages is the standard length for a resume, depending on the extent of your work experience.
The ideal length for your CV will depend on the extent of your work experience.
Costs for hiring a professional to actually carry out staging recommendations can range from $ 500 to $ 15,000 depending on the extent of the work to be done.
Ultimately, the decision should be based on individual needs, the extent of work involved and what will add the most value.
If we have to develop the content there is a modest set up fee depending on the extent of the work involved.
Painting, framing the windows, and adding trim are the extent of the work that needs to be done to those rooms.
You need to consider the extent of work that needs to be done to make your renovation dreams come true.
In addition to finishes, think about the extent of the work to be done.
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