Sentences with phrase «extent possible without»

I know you probably haven't listened to these head - to - head, but to the extent possible without having done so how would you say the sound quality of your new pick, the Peachtree Audio deepblue2, compares to the sound quality of your portable Bluetooth speaker Best Sound pick, the Riva Turbo X?
VTM shall be used only to the extent possible without a physical exam to make an appropriate diagnosis and create a treatment plan.
To look convincing, conventional repainting in a different colour will require the body shop to paint inside all the nooks and crannies inside the door openings, any exposed metal in the cabin, under the hood to the extent possible without removing too many components, and the floor of the luggage compartment.
Keep on bending to the extent possible without straining.
This may serve little purpose in the wider scheme of things but it does help guide this site as it tries to cover the Football League to the largest extent possible without knowing the intricacies of everyday life at each of the clubs that participate.

Not exact matches

This claim neglects the extent to which it is possible to associate and work with others without necessarily sharing all their concerns; in other words, it fails to do justice either to the variety to be found within the unity of modern Christianity or to that within the early Church.
In a human rights court, litigants from religious communities have a right to think the judges will treat them fairly and, to the extent possible, decide cases without bias.
Back to endurance, where for decades the conventional thinking was to carb load with your evening pasta feeds and morning cereal troughs, train super hard so you can go harder and longer without falling apart, and possibly train the body to store more glycogen (yes, it's possible to a minor extent, but soon you will learn how irrelevant this is), and to stuff sugary drinks, gels, and cubes down your throat, hopefully without gagging.
To the extent possible, we want to get down without the knee coming out.
It is simply illogical to invest this kind of money at a system - level without assessing the returns in terms of student outcomes — and assessing them in a way that is comparable across districts, across states, and across time to the greatest extent possible.
«Universal design is the design of products and environments to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or specialized design.»
In - kind means the account is transferred as is, without any changes to the extent possible (it may not be possible to transfer some securities such as TD e-Series funds to another institution).
Without exaggeration, the one thing that made it possible was the humbling extent of generosity, support and encouragement I received, for which I am truly thankful.
Making their precious exclusives not possible without the help of pc's (and Microsoft to an extent..
Strengthen their commitment to the free and unrestricted exchange of meteorological and related data and products; Increase the volume of data and products exchanged to meet the needs of WMO Programs; Assist other Members, to the extent possible, and as agreed, by providing additional data and products in support of time - sensitive operations regarding severe weather warnings; Strengthen their commitments to the WMO and ICSU WDCs in their collection and supply of meteorological and related data and products on a free and unrestricted basis; Implement the practice on the international exchange of meteorological and related data and products, as described in Adopts (1) to (3) above; Make known to all Members, through the WMO Secretariat, those meteorological and related data and products which have conditions related to their re-export for commercial purposes outside of the receiving country or group of countries forming a single economic group; Make their best efforts to ensure that the conditions which have been applied by the originator of additional data and products are made known to initial and subsequent recipients; *» Free and unrestricted» means non-discriminatory and without charge.
to the extent that a dominant undertaking sets its prices at a level covering the bulk of the costs attributable to the supply of the goods or services in question, it will, as a general rule, be possible for a competitor as efficient as that undertaking to compete with those prices without suffering losses that are unsustainable in the long term.
To the extent possible, the Law Society has adopted the Model Code without modification.
Again, pro-pot proponents like to compare pot to alcohol or tobbacco, fair enough, but under the Excise Act, 2001 anyone who makes illegal sales of tobacco and alcohol is subject to possible imprisonment, and you'd better believe that if people were openly selling cigarettes and booze without a license, you can be sure they would be charged and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law (indeed provincial authorities are quite aggressive in prosecuting such persons).
Realize that PA is all about a power and control imbalance, and although it may not be possible to change that, but to the extent you can rebalance it slightly without any downsides, doing so can be helpful.
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