Sentences with phrase «external scientists»

They have also begun to put together a panel of external scientists to review and prioritize experiments.
Their recommendations are peer - reviewed by a panel of external scientists and put out for public comments before the agency makes a final decision.
In addition to developing formal RFP procedures, many large corporations — DuPont and Pfizer, for example — have adopted an R&D model known as open innovation, forming corporate «technology connectors» to fund external scientists and entrepreneurs to work on tightly defined problems.
EMBL Heidelberg hosts a cryo - electron microscopy (cryo - EM) service platform, available for use by external scientists with both single particle and tomography projects.
CERN has commissioned several safety reviews, employing internal and external scientists, and found the risks to be so small as to be not worth more delay.
She then became director of the Genetic Analysis Platform at Broad — a technology group that collaborated with both Broad and external scientists to generate and analyze diverse types of genomic data.
Kearney also said the external scientists who had participated in the investigation would be excluded from the committee formed to do the study.
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