Sentences with phrase «external stimulation»

External stimulation refers to any form of input or activity that comes from the outside world and affects our senses. It can include things like sounds, sights, smells, tastes, and physical sensations. This kind of stimulation can engage and arouse our senses, leading to various responses and reactions in our bodies and minds. Full definition
A woman's body is not designed to give birth with a lot of external stimulation, it will; however there will be more pain and it will be a slower process.
By adding extra charge carriers to their quantum dots, the Los Alamos researchers were able to block absorption and create the state of transparency without external stimulation.
Place his crib somewhere away from external stimulation.
In addition to control of lasers, detectors, shutters and fine motion devices, the module can be used to synchronize external stimulation and data collection instruments such as electrodes, patch clamp recording devices and perfusion systems.
Then about two months into our marriage, I decided to get a vibrator to use as external stimulation while we had sex, and it completely changed our sex life!
Dr. Laurie Helgoe cites several studies in which researchers compared the two and found that introverts generally have higher levels of electrical activity in the cerebral cortex, which may explain why they limit external stimulation so as to maintain an appropriate level of arousal.
When the brain lacks external stimulation to form perceptions, it may compensate by referencing the memory and form hallucinatory perceptions.
Life moves fast these days, and many of us are bombarded with external stimulation and stress on a constant basis.
Unlike the blood, which is pumped through the body by the heart, lymphatic fluid requires external stimulation in order to circulate effectively.
Minimize External Stimulation: Turn off the television, unplug the telephone, and dim the lights — turn down the volume of your life, remembering that outer calm nurtures inner calm.
These stylised «serpents», which also appear throughout the paintings, symbolise the vital channel and flow between external stimulation and creative introspection.
For instance, in the B - Z reaction the «decision» as to which of several possible spatial structures will actually form may (in the absence of external stimulation) be made by random fluctuation, a fortuitous local excess of one reactant.
Like our lymphatic system, our thymus benefits from external stimulation, which becomes imperative to its proper function.
This module can also be used to synchronize external stimulation and data collection instruments, such as electrodes, patch clamp recording devices, and perfusion systems.
The headset tunes out external stimulation: the broadcast really places you courtside, providing close - up views of the players, refs, and fans.
Developing a capacity to wait without the external stimulation of mobile devices is becoming something that has to be consciously built into the daily routine since mobile devices are so readily available now.
Essentially, it happens because your baby is still getting used to the outside world and the external stimulation can be a bit overwhelming.
But the external stimulation caused an unambiguous conscious feeling of wanting to move.
External stimulation of the brain has been shown to increase arousal, awareness and aspects of cognition in healthy people.
While success in graduate school does require some focus and diligence, an absence of ANY external stimulation, macroscopic focus, or grand vision can lead to stagnant, derivative research (not to mention a lackluster career).
According to Tian, the study demonstrates that perception is a result of interaction between top - down (e.g. our cognition) and bottom - up (e.g. sensory processing of external stimulation) processes.
It is therefore tempting to speculate that the external stimulation of competitiveness by societal pressure, which is analogous to the stimulation of competitiveness by the female preferences in our model, can lead to such a wastage of resources that our future survival is threatened.»
But this external stimulation method will never be precise enough to, for instance, implant or delete specific memories, despite what films such as Total Recall and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind have suggested.
Actin bundles are therefore not simple force transmitters, but instead, complex mechano - transducers that adjust their mechanics to external stimulation.
In the meantime, Ossai suggests playing around with «outercourse» (oral or external stimulation), masturbation, or even sex products like vibrating rings and finger massagers (her personal fave is Lifestyles Amuse: His and Hers pleasure massagers.)
This external stimulation, or as I refer to it, «thumping our thymus» can lead to stress relief, increased energy, a boosted immune system, proper digestion and the sensation of happiness.
«Massage is an external stimulation that sets off a complex cascade of internal activity,» says Field.
Unregulated production of glutamate at sound frequencies for which there is no external stimulation could be the cause of tinnitus.
B.K.S. Iyengar called Shavasana the antidote for the stresses of modern civilization, but I think that is just until we learn to be more tuned with how we allow our nervous systems to react to external stimulation.
«1 The researchers describe a mismatch between an individual's needed arousal and the availability of external stimulation.
- External stimulation, such as loud music or noises, hot weather, over excitement.
Then, when the dog encounters all the external stimulation at dog school, he can't handle it because he wasn't TRAINED with it.
The title of the films refers to the muscle that raises and lowers the testicles according to temperature, external stimulation, or fear.
The title of the films refers to the muscle that raises and lowers the male reproductive system according to temperature, external stimulation, or fear.
These days, we barely even notice the sounds of everyday occurrences such as lawnmowers and nearby roads, but if you think back to pre-industrial times, this amount of external stimulation would have made our distant ancestors nervous wrecks.
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