Sentences with phrase «extinction method»

The phrase "extinction method" refers to a way of getting rid of a behavior or habit by no longer rewarding it. It is like making the behavior "extinct" because it no longer gets any positive outcomes. Full definition
Is the controversial extinction method of sleep training harder on older kids than young babies?
Most parents, however, don't use extinction methods.
Most interventions have included parent education about normal sleep and sleep cycles, advice to maximise environmental differences between day and night, and strategies to encourage infant self - settling.7 - 10 Strategies included range from the graduated extinction method described above to encouraging parents to stretch night time feed intervals (in the hope that the infant will self - settle) and encouraging the use of parent - independent sleep cues.
It is true that the cry - it - out (CIO) method and the starker extinction methods can work well and a bit faster than gentler methods IF you as the parent can follow through consistently and long enough.
Most of these concerns originated with pure extinction methods, better known as cry - it - out (CIO).
If your son is really waking up starving (and not for other reasons that could be handled via some gentle extinction methods), you will need feed him.
Recent studies out of Australia shows the graduated extinction method to be both safe and effective.
It is true that the CIO method and the starker extinction methods can work well and a bit faster than gentler methods IF you as the parent can follow through consistently and for long enough.
I am not one who is comfortable with words like «never» or «always,» so the extinction method as a hard and fast rule leaves me a little uncomfortable.
The Weissbluth Method is also known as the «extinction method
There are many CIO methods including the check and console method, the extinction method and others.
I go into my personal experience of using the extinction method in my book and also explain other methods but in the past year I have heard other moms talk about their success with the chair method and the sleep lady shuffle which you can check out on the Internet.
While this extinction method (popularized by Dr. Marc Weissbluth, this method is often associated with Dr. Richard Ferber who actually advocates a modified extinction method where parents check on the baby in timed increments) does work, but it doesn't work for everyone (Me included.
This is called the extinction method.
One of us believes in «fostering independence», used the extinction method, uses corporal punishment, and encourages self entertainment at home, such as independent movie watching in the child's bedroom.
Cry It Out, also known as «controlled crying,» is an «extinction method» of ending — «extinguishing» — the cuing for attention, help, nourishment, hydration, support, and loving, physical comfort that is programmed into the biology of young mammals.
CIO, also known as «controlled crying,» is an «extinction method» of ending — «extinguishing» — the cuing for attention, help, nourishment, hydration, support, and loving, physical comfort that is programmed into the biology of young mammals.
If you've chosen to try the extinction method of sleep training — also called «cry it out» — let them know what's going on, and why you won't be answering their calls right away.
As attachment parents, we didn't think our children should be left to cry it out, nor did we want to use the graduated extinction method, or going in to their room to comfort them at prescribed intervals.
Extinction methods are like the home run hitter hitting clean - up.
In this case, many experts recommend using an extinction method (since we don't want to call it by its more infamous name.
It is true that the CIO method and the starker extinction methods can work well and a bit faster then gentler methods IF you as the parent can follow through consistently and for long enough.
«If you think a graduated extinction method is for you, but you're not up to the task of clocking visits, then don't start it,» she says.
offering no comfort until your child falls asleep, or the «extinction method,») at least has several negative side effects short term, although the long term effects aren't fully known.
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