Sentences with phrase «extinction of species»

France led 46 nations calling in February for the creation of a U.N. Environment Organisation (UNEO) to fight threats like global warming, water shortages and the extinction of species.
We are in the midst of an unparalleled mass extinction of species that directly correlates with ongoing cultural assimilation and genocide.
Some plants and animals might not be able to move fast enough to keep pace with the rapid rate of temperature change, and climate - sensitive habits could be destroyed altogether, hastening the extinction of some species.
Great mass extinction of species during geological history (late Devonian, Permian - Triassic, end - Triassic, Cretaceous - Tertiary, Paleocene - Eocene) have been triggered by volcanic, asteroid impact and greenhouse events associated with sharp increases in atmospheric levels of CO2 and CH4.
Rachel Carson, who was a quick learner, would be ahead of us in understanding the devastating effects everywhere of still - rocketing population growth combined with consumption of national resources, the thinning of the ozone layer, global warning, the collapse of marine fisheries, and, less directly through foreign trade, the decimation of tropical forests and mass extinction of species.
It has caused the extinction of some species on islands and is thought to have contributed to the disappearance of many ground - dwelling birds and mammals on the mainland.»
That can be re-stated as a modest chance of reaching 2.5 C or even 3 C. So, their scenarios would offer a modest (or perhaps more than modest if we would ever see actual numbers) chance of reaching temperatures that could allow the carbon feedbacks to go on autopilot and lead to extinction of our species.
So, they are actually investing in the extinction of a species.
Large numbers of people are suffering and dying and a great extinction of species has already begun.
The label itself takes far away consequences — like famine, the extinction of species and extreme weather — and brings them into the here and now.
However, for the species that remain, is the extinction of another species good or bad.
It could produce an extinction of species on a wide scale, an extinction that could even include the human race.
Several authors suggest that the extinction crisis is already so severe, even without climate change included as a driver, that a mass extinction of species is plausible within decades to centuries.
«It is far less important than other social problems such as poverty, infectious diseases, deforestation, extinction of species on land and in the sea, not to mention war, nuclear weapons and biological weapons.
It is driving the rapid depletion of fossil fuel resources with a dramatic increase in associated emissions and consequent climate change; it is accelerating the loss of biodiversity and widespread extinction of species; it is intensifying the growing shortage of fresh water to meet human needs.
If this was a Court of Law, the case against CO2 and fossil fuel burning has been proven beyond reasonable doubt and, if this were a simple cost - benefit analysis, the case is also very clear — the risks of not tackling the problem vastly outweigh those of taking action (or mass extinction of species will eventually result).
The last time CO2 levels exceeded 400 ppm, mass extinction of species resulted.
The net effect is: - zero effect on climate - zero effect on pollution - expensive electricity bills (to pay for the subsidies)- millions of dead birds and bats, extinction of some species - neighbors who can't sleep and die young.
Extinction of species due to man - made global warming?
«Climate change caused by fossil fuels and other human activities poses an existential threat to Homo sapiens and contributes to mass extinction of species,» the Vatican text states.
Tropical cyclone activity and intensity increasing Record droughts, floods, heat waves, cold spells, high tides occurring Unequivocal warming of the climate system observed with very high confidence that human activities are to blame Temperature rising even more dramatically in Arctic, threatening ice loss and extinction of species Halving human CO2 emissions immediately might save the planet from catastrophe.
On February 1, 2007 Suzuki crossed Canada in an orchestrated campaign to scare people about environmental issues, especially extinction of species.
The legendary biologist E.O. Wilson compares humanity's collective impact to the 9 - mile wide asteroid that 65 million years ago slammed into the Chicxulub coast of Yucatan at a speed of 45,000 miles per hour, exterminating the non-avian dinosaurs and causing the 5th mass extinction of species. SebastianH: «Regarding extinction of species, why do you think 30,000 species lost per year is a big number?
Climate change caused by fossil fuels and other human activities poses an existential threat to Homo sapiens and contributes to mass extinction of species.
He's «locked in» to the CAGW premise (coal death trains, tipping points, Venus runaway effect, deleterious climate changes, sea level changes measured in meters, extinction of species, etc.).
How can climate change be blamed on the sudden extinction of a species that was considered healthy and abundant the year before?
What is happening to the biosphere can rightfully produce some collective trauma: anyone paying attention to both the extinction of species and the failure of leaders to deal with or properly acknowledge this crisis should be both outraged and sad.
The most urgent environmental threat to Canadians isn't climate change, the declining health of our oceans, or the extinction of species.
A climate shift creates stress on the environment, which in turn leads to the extinction of species which can not adapt in time.
The phenomenon appears to offer a natural solution to climate change, which experts fear could lead to a rise in sea level, flooding, and extinction of species.
Public comments helped us refine the way we apply all the available information to determine vulnerability to extinction of each species considered.
The threat to the well being of the human species is heralded by each extinction of another species.
This tendency, if it exists, may be the seed for the extinction of our species, but if it is, no one will be around to accept or reject my hypothesis when the data become available.
In all the wordage herein in all these blogs, from the extinction of species and the threat of extinction to the profound changes in Earth's climate regimes, there is a systemic failure to accept that the physical and chemical processes that govern such changes are calibrated on Deep Time and not Human Time, and that our sojourn on this Planet can not be considered more than a nanosecond in the overall schema.
Unlike the extinction of species, it is a reversible change, along with the extreme weather.
In the face of manifest climate change, the imminence of peak oil and peak natural gas, the increasing extinction of species, the pollution of the oceans and their consequent dead zones, and the population of the world continuing to grow, to see our pattern of consumption beyond our basic needs continuing... well it's quite disheartening.
The last major acidification event 250 million years ago has apparently led to a massive extinction of species in the world's oceans.
While Mexico's gillnet ban is an important step forward in vaquita conservation, it will be unlikely to prevent extinction of the species unless there is a lasting commitment to rigorous enforcement to stop illegal fishing.
But while the sea ice may recover, given the extinction of species, a biological (and cultural) regime shift back to the world we know may not be possible.
More On Eco-Art Artist Creates a Floating Garden Habitat for Wildlife Tower of Nests Designed to House Displaced Urban Wildlife Artists Turn Taiwan Wetland Into Ecofriendly Gallery Kenyan Artists Turn Dangerous, Polluting Materials into Inspiring Depictions of Wildlife Young Turkish Artists Grapple With Extinction of Species, Alienation from Nature in Istanbul Exhibit
Today, however, I look outside the window to see food webs being crippled by the extirpation or extinction of species.
In my view, the default condition under BAU is extinction of our species somewhere between end of century and one or two generations before.
The list of potential consequences is familiar: coastal flooding, searing droughts, wars over shrinking water supplies, accelerated extinction of species.
And acknowledging the fact that we are up against the ins - and - outs of mass extinction of species.
can there be ANY reason strong enough to justify the possible extinction of ANY species of animal?
There's not only an extinction of species, it's not only a biological extinction as Gustav Metzger pointed out — to whom we could actually dedicate this program because he very sadly passed away a couple of months ago.
She makes video installations that poetically grapple with threats to the natural world, from the extinction of species to long - lasting environmental disasters such as the nuclear fallout of Chernobyl.
Munch's Oddysee carries many similar themes and mechanics to Abe's Oddysee, including the planned extinction of a species, rescuing slaves and test subjects, and the ability to take control of your enemies, but expands massively with the option to switch characters at any time, pick up and throw objects, swim in water, and use new GameSpeak to incite slave rebellions, native uprisings and lab rat revolutions.
In 2015, & Beyond Phinda Private Game Reserve donated five lionesses to Rwanda's Akagera National Park (as part of an African Parks project) which helped to successfully reverse a 20 - year local extinction of the species; one of these lionesses recently gave birth to the first cubs born in Rwanda in nearly two decades.
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