Sentences with phrase «extra boost of confidence»

I put it on whenever I have an important meeting or need a little extra boost of confidence.
It's my go - to look to lift me up when I'm feeling down, to give me that extra boost of confidence when facing a new challenge, to take me back to my old corporate days (in a good way =).
It will instantly make you and your videos look better, giving you an extra boost of confidence.
White said having a shoulder to lean on, both physically and emotionally, can give you an extra boost of confidence in the gym.
It gives me an extra boost of confidence and experience to use in tackling the next sales goals that come my way.
We rounded up the trendiest back to school clothes for big kids and all of these items are sure to give your children the extra boost of confidence they need to begin the upcoming school year.
Giving someone a new or slightly used bag can be the extra boost of confidence needed to travel in public with personal materials.
I can almost guarantee that this dress will be worth it's price because I anticipate wearing it at least once a month when I need that extra boost of confidence.
I'd love to hear about any looks that have made you walk with an extra boost of confidence, so please share!
Outfits like this just make me feel a little bit sassy and give me an extra boost of confidence.
Still working on that whole courage thing but your support is giving me an extra boost of confidence!
And even though I feel like my body is falling apart, this outfit gave me that extra boost of confidence I needed to get through the day.
A power suit is definitely the best way to give yourself that extra boost of confidence!
Tan skin is something that always gives me an extra boost of confidence, especially when the weather gets warmer and I start wearing dresses and bathing suits again; so I knew I needed to find a product that was easy and quick to use at home.
Something about putting on a good outfit gives me that extra boost of confidence.
Rarely do I walk out of the house feeling uncomfortable in what I'm wearing, and that extra boost of confidence has helped me further grow my style and truly own what I wear.
With a full day of creative meetings yesterday, I needed an extra boost of confidence, so I turned to pieces in my closet that truly inspire me.
And my new Makeup Forever makeup has given me an extra boost of confidence to go out and face the world.
Much like high heels, sunnies can add that extra boost of confidence if only because they are hiding your no - makeup Monday.
To be honest with you, I didn't consider high thigh high boots to be a classic piece, but season after season, they have been my go - to item for styling versatility (worn alone, over jeans, under skirts, etc) and for that extra boost of confidence.
Applying a quick coat of natural makeup helps me start off the day on the right foot and gives me an extra boost of confidence.
A nice looking wardrobe helps give me that extra boost of confidence that I need.
It's always nerve wracking when meeting up with someone for a first date but a good way to give yourself an extra boost of confidence is to ensure your skin
As an extra boost of confidence and peace - of - mind, each indicator includes video examples and Wise Ways ® of real classrooms applying the indicator.
If you've participated in mock interviews or on - campus interviewing opportunities you'll have a leg up on the competition and will have an extra boost of confidence come interview day.
Any issues in these areas can easily be improved on if you are committed to learning from past interviews, and preparation will give you an extra boost of confidence to impress your interviewers.
Practice answering the tough questions in advance for an extra boost of confidence and a composed appearance on interview day.
We will review and edit your current resume / CV or cover letter to save you time and give you an extra boost of confidence — that always helps!
Knowing that you've done all you can before the fact will give you an extra boost of confidence that employers love to see.
A new suit, shirt, or tie can give you an extra boost of confidence.
When I went on my interview knowing that my resume was presenting my marketable skills in the most effective way, gave me that extra boost of confidence.
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