Sentences with phrase «extra crunchy»

Take a little bit of extra crunchy peanut butter and hide the pill in that and let them lick it off your finger.
I'll take a little extra crunchy granola on my smoothie bowl This is the first time I have heard of a smoothie «bowl» and I love it.
So just in case someone else is a slow as me, I used extra crunchy peanut butter.
Extra crunchy raw vegan kale chips made with spicy sesame cheese.
When you make these cookie dough crack bars, I personally love to store them in the freezer so they stay extra crunchy and firm.
I left them in the oven a little too long and that made the topping extra crunchy.
Since she's barely 22 months old, I knew that extra crunchy granola bars and raw balls weren't going to cut it.
The cookies get extra crunchy, the cold chocolate hits my taste buds like a firework, and all the flavors seem to be more pronounced!
You can also sprinkle your chocolate bark with toasted almonds, toasted coconut, or cacao nibs for extra crunchy goodness before refrigerating.
Creamy Peanut Butter has that perfect combination of creamy and extra crunchy textures with the fresh roasted peanut taste you love.
I didn't have maple syrup or natural peanut butter, so I just substituted light corn syrup and JIF extra crunchy peanut butter.
It brings out the nutty flavours in both seeds, and makes the millet extra crunchy which is fun when you're chomping down on these muffins.
1/2 Cup Peanut butter - We like extra crunchy peanut butter so that we have little nuts in the cookies but you can add any type of peanut butter.
I just made these with no sugar, I do nt do sugar when i bake, even the fake stuff so i added a banana, about 2 tsp cinnamon, used 1/2 cup natural almond butter, 1/4 cup natural peanut butter (i grind my own) and 1/4 cup extra crunchy jiff and my oh my!!
And a quick trip under the broiler gets the cheese all melty and the chips extra crunchy.
Grain Free & Keto Cocoa Puffs Cereal Extra Crunchy ⚡ This recipe for keto chocolate cereal has been a long time coming.
Definitely can use whatever veggie or cheese you like Best... I've found the best «sauce» for this dish is the juice of a lemon after its all wrapped... Sometimes I'll use two lemons and then if I'm feeling extra glutenous I will sprinkle w extra crunchy shake and bake!
the caramel is just spicy enough and cools extra crunchy.
If you want to make the slice extra crunchy, cover the bottom of the base with raw almonds (chopped or whole) before layering with the caramel cream.
It's simply extra crunchy peanut butter, confectioners sugar, and coconut shavings.
My mother did divide her peanut butter up between Extra Crunchy and Smooth to give it more crunch.
I will buy Popeye's fried chicken just to take home and re-fry the next day for even mo betta extra crunchy deliciousness.
My kids and I love this puffed quinoa cereal for making cookies and bars extra crunchy and for breakfast.
But what I love most about these cheesecakes is adding the chopped toasted hazelnuts in the crust which give each bite a nice taste and extra crunchy texture.
Peanut butter batter 3/4 cup extra crunchy peanut butter 1/2 cup powdered sugar 2 tablespoons salted butter, melted
Put the topping in the freezer while I made the filling to make it extra crunchy.
Jeanette Jeanette's Healthy Living recently posted... Mom's Extra Crunchy Five Spice Roasted Peanuts Recipe
With its extra crunchy crust, this milk chocolate pretzel tart was equal parts salty and sweet.
the belgium kind that are already sweet and extra crunchy.
Super soft, extra crunchy, and FULL of chocolate... these Paleo chocolate chip cookies with pecans just might be your new go - to grain - free, gluten - free, dairy - free and vegan chocolate chip cookie recipe!
I can't say I know for sure, but they were extra crunchy and gritty (and I thought I had ground them pretty well).
Intensely chocolatey and extra crunchy, this grain free and keto cocoa puffs cereal is bound to have you swooning!
The cookies are slightly sweet, super nutty and I baked them a bit longer to get them extra crunchy.
I always add an egg white to my wet mix too, because it helps the granola clump together better, and gives it an extra crunchy and glossy finish.
My daughters and husband always eat chili, regardless of the pasta, with tortilla chips for an extra crunchy texture.
This vegan pumpkin spice steel cut granola is extra crunchy, full of clusters and the perfect balance of spicy and sweet.
The maple syrup makes it extra crunchy, and I love the hint of buttery flavor from the ghee.
As a cheffy extra step, the fresh sage is also fried in butter and dried on paper towels to make it extra crunchy and delicious.
Kohlrabi and celery salad — made with toasted walnuts, and homemade garlic aioli, this simple salad is extra crunchy, delicious and super nutritious, light on calories too!
In this recipe I combined it with celery (another, almost zero - calorie vegetable), and a big handful of toasted walnuts; mixed it all with some homemade garlic aioli sauce, and the result was an extra crunchy, super yummy, toothsome salad.
Greek semolina cake (samali) is a traditional Greek cake recipe, made with semolina instead of flour and yogurt instead of milk, which makes it extra crunchy and moist.
Try microwaving for a few seconds to get it extra crunchy.
I made this loaf today and the bottoms was extra crunchy... too crunchy.
If you're going to pack this fruit salad for a school lunch, I would recommend packing the graham crackers separately in a snack baggie and having your kids crush it up right before eating — this way it is extra crunchy and they get to have a little fun with their lunch.
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