Sentences with phrase «extra projects»

When possible, volunteer for extra projects or responsibilities and be ready to accept tough assignments.
Thank you for your grace as I've been juggling a few extra projects and not able to keep up with as many updates as I want to.
By taking the time to prepare your manuscript professionally you'll minimize publishing mistakes, get your completed print and ebook files faster, and avoid extra project charges.
It's one of my favorite places and I share lots of extra projects, inspiration for the home and content I don't share anywhere else.
Earning extra can be tough to think about when you already own a business, but renting a room or extra projects on the side are great ideas.
This report shows that the $ 8 + cost advantage KXL would bring over rail makes extra projects equivalent to the pipeline's capacity break even.
Coworkers exchange cash bribes for taking on secret extra projects?
These employees may or may not be building up to make the leap to full - time freelance; they simply use their specialized skills to take on extra projects in the evenings or weekends.
The ability to link extra project information under each position is a great way to give your reader addendums that demonstrate your awesomeness!
BECOME INDISPENSABLE: employees who work a little harder, take on extra projects help solve problems, and learn company operations and procedures thoroughly are hard to replace!
Not only is it important to complete your daily tasks, but building relationships with co-workers and management, volunteering for extra projects, and helping your team are all surefire ways to get you noticed at work and position yourself as an invaluable resource.
Earning extra can be tough to think about when you already own a business, but renting a room or extra projects on the side are great ideas.
Make a few of these snowmen for family and friends, then make a few extra projects that are just for use in your own home.
After all, what you don't want is to take on an extra project that doesn't make financial sense, and then fail your client or another client.
Even without a raise, you can generate extra cash by taking on extra projects, adding part - time work, or selling unneeded possessions online.
Say no to extra responsibility — This is not the time in your life to volunteer for field trips, bake cookies for the bake sale, or take on an extra project at work.
If your no fails to convince a pushy coworker that you can't take on extra projects, for instance, plan to bring the conversation to a close and go to your boss with your concerns if necessary.
That means you shouldn't be afraid to turn down extra projects or nights out in favor of getting active.
Say no to an extra project or commitment you know, deep down, you don't have time for.
Do you need to take on that extra project at work?
Extra project to extend some of the more able pupils.
Much of this funding has already been announced and allocated to larger schemes which are already running - and the announcement this week will add some extra projects to enhance the campaign.
Opportunities for volunteering, mentoring and extra projects are also routinely offered.
Themis Academy is the kind of high - powered boarding school where the students take on extra projects, perform...
I didn't have to kiss up to my boss, show up early, stay late or complete an extra project.
If it proves to be successful, Boegl can do one or two extra projects a year — and just in case you're wondering, the hydro reservoirs can be salt water, too, which greatly expands the possibilities.
Whether it's helping out the other interns or taking on an extra project for your manager, go above and beyond in these upcoming weeks to make work a little easier on others.
If you feel yourself becoming overwhelmed at work, don't hesitate to say «no» to the extra project or meeting.
Yet your competitor was fierce in their work pursuits, taking on extra projects, assisting with tough assignments, and expanding their knowledge in regular workshops, seminars, courses, or conferences.
Highlight any extra projects you took on at previous jobs and any academic conferences or extracurricular activities from college that show you go above and beyond the typical worker or student.
For example «We were being downsized, and I had to take on extra projects».
No, we don't mean an extra project at work.
in all that spare time you have between making great music, decorating a beautiful house, preparing yourselves to be parents and everything else you guys take on, I'm sure you have plenty of free time to take on that extra project just so I could come stay in a Layla & Kevin decorated room.
I've been trying to finish up extra projects so that I can focus on the book launch party the next couple of weeks.
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