Sentences with phrase «extra resonance»

In a set of drawings of the men who led Britain into the Iraq war, Deller presents Alastair Campbell and Tony Blair as if they were courtroom illustrations, given extra resonance by the fact that they are sketched by former soldiers now serving prison sentences.
Anne Thompson of IndieWire mentioned that seeing Darkest Hour, in which Gary Oldman plays Winston Churchill, takes on extra resonance post-Dunkirk.
Andrea Arnold's skewering of the American dream gains extra resonance from recent events, while Matthew McConaughey's career comeback stumbles
Blair, the frequent collaborator of «Blue Ruin» and «Green Room» director Jeremy Saulnier, has made a dark, hilarious thriller with a bit of extra resonance given the mood of the country today.
Igor was slaughtered by poachers in 2009, giving extra resonance to a photograph that already speaks of the magnificence of an ancient and
That may be an unlovely sound but it's an exciting one since, in the sonograms made from the recordings, the sounds, including the lowest registers, strongly resembled what you'd expect a rumble from a headless (and bodyless) elephant to look like — that is, without the extra resonance and shaping added by the throat and mouth.
Though Hayek's box - office potential isn't exactly on the rise, Beatriz at Dinner is an amiably diverting entertainment, with an underlying progressive political message that should give it extra resonance — and eyeballs — in the Trump era.
We then knew the film we were making would have an extra resonance that we hadn't anticipated.»
With the terrible news that Hetherington was killed in Libya this week, the film suddenly takes on an extra resonance.
«When it's not flowing through the center resonator, it's not generating that extra resonance.
The title of the show has an extra resonance in the light of recent unrest in Charlottesville.
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