Sentences with phrase «extra schooling»

It was rejected because there was no need for extra school places in the area.
And «half of districts with a high or severe forecast need for extra school places» have no application for primary school places.
So, too, do such extra touches as extra school time and family support services.
Challenge is to add extra school objects that aren't on the list.
Investment will help create 600,000 extra school places, as well as improve or expand thousands of school buildings.
Assemblymen Brindisi Said «The Legislation signed by the Governor for The Act mandates that funds generated by it must be used for extra school aid, and for state and local governments,» Brindisi said.
The Conservatives blame Labour for the problem saying the party «cut over 200,000 primary school places - and even ignored official warnings to provide extra school places after a baby boom».
Pediatric dentists do have some advantages, in that they get extra schooling on how to care for the dental problems that affect kids and are also trained in child psychology.
Councils rely on free schools to create extra school places because they aren't generally allowed to open new schools themselves, though some authorities have complained about their being set up where there isn't demand for places.
Chief executive Vikas Pota says it's heartening that parents worldwide understand the importance of a great teacher and would rather spend extra school funding on more teachers or better salaries rather than facilities or technology.
To remediate achievement gaps and prepare for the demands of the most selective schools in New England, each Scholar puts in hundreds of hours of extra school work and prepares to take the Independent School Entrance Exam for admission to a selective school in the fall of his or her fifth - or sixth - grade year.
Evaluations and counselors and school meetings and behavior charts and researching sensory disorders and diet modifications and screen time limits and extra school work and, and, and... I sit and think constantly am I doing enough for him now so that this won't continue to be his life in 3 years.
Both houses of the Legislature are also weighing whether to seek to override Mr. Paterson's continuing vetoes of their earmarks — often termed pork - barrel spending — as well as his veto this week of hundreds of millions of dollars in extra school aid that lawmakers had sought to restore.
Reed said there are other ways the district could make up minutes without tacking on extra school days in the summer.
(And if you want proof that this place works, the number of families with kids is higher than expected — they're having to build extra schools.)
Clegg wants those who most need it to get extra help, but parents who don't check where their kids are on a night of rioting across England are unlikely to foist extra school on them — and their certainly not going to go of their own accord.
Eleven extra schools across England will split more than # 2 million to become research hubs, bringing the total to 22.
Department for Education statistics show the primary school population is expected to rise by 454, 571 by 2015 — the equivalent of 2,030 extra schools based on the current average intake of new 224 pupils per school.
They have faced opposition from Labour and the teachers» unions, who have accused the free - school project of failing to deliver extra school places where they are most needed.
School officials sometimes use this information to identify the students who score closest to the all - important «meets» cut - off point, and focus extra school resources on those «bubble» kids.
The official program will expand on two pilots in the Carolinas to include 16 extra school districts, starting now with the Deer Trail district in Colorado.
Store uniforms, backpacks, extra school supplies... virtually anything you can think of that relates to school.
At Central High, Global Village provided extra school time and developed programs to improve school culture.
The government has already committed # 7.35 billion to create extra school places, but the LGA say that this will still leave a shortfall.
Hundreds of extra schools could have to be built in England to cope with the school population bulge, say public sector buildings specialists.
Free schools are a form of academy school, independent of local authority control but funded entirely by the taxpayers, set up in response to local parental demand for extra school places or better schools.
Being new to gifted education, we were hoping to get more than just busy / extra school work... Mrs. Donaldson does just that in her classes — she has creative projects, exciting field trips and most importantly is genuinely interested in the welfare of her students.
She said: «Labour cut over 200,000 primary school places — and even ignored official warnings to provide extra school places after a baby boom.
But I also agree absolutely that mostly what kids need in that extra school time is a broader range of activities.
Schedule a day with a few friends to bring gently used or extra school supplies and swap them.
Labour questioned whether the government would be able to afford to pay for the extra schools provision.
Senate Republican Majority Leader John Flanagan says he likes the extra school aid spending, but his GOP conference is not on board with extending the millionaire's tax, but he's not completely ruling it out.
The discussion also touched on UPK (Universal Pre-Kindergarten), and administrators said that the extra school year provides a solid foundation.
Paterson called legislators irresponsible, and vetoed their extra school aid.
Shadow education secretary Lucy Powell says that by just setting aside # 140m, the government has left a shortfall of # 560m — and this means that the chancellor will be forced to raid the money set aside for extra school places to make up the shortfall.
Senate Republican Majority Leader John Flanagan said he likes the extra school aid spending, but his GOP conference is not on board with extending the millionaires» tax.
The proportion of schools with a religious character increased last year by the equivalent of 76 extra schools — and the proportion of pupils in «faith» schools has also continued to rise.
The extra school aid could be used for teacher pay, guidance counselors and remedial programs, officials say.
For example, in the study on summer school, Matsudaira compared students whose test scores were just above the level that made them eligible for summer school with those who were just below it to see if the extra schooling improved students» test scores.
A $ 20 Craigslist dresser holds the TV and provides a ton of storage for dvd's, extra school supplies, and games.
Did you find that that extra schooling helped you advance your career?
To tackle this increase, over 24,000 extra classrooms are required by 2020, or over 2,000 extra schools.
The funding was announced yesterday by education secretary Justine Greening, and aims to support the government's mission to create more the 600,000 extra school places by 2021.
The National Audit Office has warned that a quarter of a million extra school places would be needed in England by autumn 2014.
With limited funding available to provide extra school places, and many existing schools in need of a major overhaul, there could not be a better time to look more closely at how excellent design can help the government's capital funding programme stretch as far as possible while delivering good outcomes.
With limited funding available to provide extra school places, and many existing schools in need of a major overhaul, now is the time to look more closely at how excellent design can help the government's capital funding programme stretch as far as possible, writes Emilia Plotka, RIBA's policy advisor.
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