Sentences with phrase «extra time involvement»

Is it worth the extra time involvement?

Not exact matches

Speculation that he is keen on a return to the Premier League surfaced again earlier today, but he has rejoined the rest of the squad in training after being given extra time off due to his involvement in the Confederations Cup
Sure, there might've been time to film some sort of cameo or extra scene to tease the X-Men's involvement.
Title I was created to help these schools better serve their students by providing school - wide services and whole school reforms tied to raising student achievement, such hiring additional teachers and classroom aides; improving curriculum; enhancing parent involvement; or extending learning time for students who need extra help.
The upshot is a car that's easy to drive stupidly fast, but a skilled driver will likely enjoy the extra involvement of the Cayman more — even if the Audi driver makes slightly faster time.
Also, as with the so - called scandal of the CRU emails and FOI requests, no allowance is made for the facts that (a) climate science isn't getting adequate funding, reducing the number of scientists who can afford to do it full time and not work on other projects and (b) involvement in the IPCC is on a volunteer basis, so it's extra, unpaid work that not even every working full - time climate scientist can afford.
He or she may deviate from the exact amount created by the formula to adjust for other considerations, such as a change in parenting time, involvement of parents, extra needs of the child or geographical distance.
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