Sentences with phrase «extraordinary medical expenses»

If your ex is required to cover half of extraordinary medical expenses or child care expenses, you should talk to them before you incur a major expense.
A child may have special medical needs that may require extraordinary medical expenses.
These include extraordinary medical expenses, the age of the child and the particular parenting plan for that child.
I understand that I am also responsible for any additional extraordinary medical expenses incurred for my community foster cat until it has found a permanent home.
In many cases, families may be faced with extraordinary medical expenses to diagnose, treat, and recover from a birth injury.
The court views extraordinary medical expenses, childcare and secondary education support add - ons.
If your ex is required to cover half of extraordinary medical expenses or child care expenses, you should talk to them before you incur a major expense.
All money raised will go into our Duchess Fund which is used for extraordinary medical expenses for animals in our care.
Texas child support payments are based on the income of the noncustodial parent, but a custodial parent may seek an increase in child support to cover some things, such as extraordinary medical expenses.
All money raised will go into our Second Chance Medical Fund, which is used for extraordinary medical expenses for animals in our care.
Common reasons for a child support deviation include extraordinary medical expenses for the child or parent, extraordinary costs for transportation to and from parenting time, a child with special needs, a significant disparity between the parent's two standards of living, or when the paying parent is incarcerated.
JPMorgan Chase Institute data found that March and April are the most common months for extraordinary medical expenses.
But other itemized deductions will also disappear, including the deduction for extraordinary medical expenses.
(There are some exceptions (including first - time home buying and extraordinary medical expenses) to this rule that I won't bother going into).
Although we minimize our expenses by developing veterinary and other professional service partners, we often have extraordinary medical expenses required to save a special dog.
LFM does not charge higher fees for purebred dogs, puppies, or dogs that have had extraordinary medical expenses that far exceed the $ 200 adoption fee — we depend on donations to help us cover those costs.
In some cases, financial assistance for non-TNR and / or extraordinary medical expenses may be available.
Unlike some rescues, we do not charge higher fees for puppies or purebred dogs (nor do we charge a higher fee for dogs that have had extraordinary medical expenses that far exceed the adoption fee — we depend on donations to help us cover those costs).
The nonprofit, an all - volunteer cat adoption organization in Vancouver, WA, is looking to raise funds to cover the extraordinary medical expenses of cats in their care.
The state of Ohio provides a child support schedule that incorporates the factors that are considered in determining child support — incomes of the parties, whether there are extraordinary medical expenses, health of the parties and whether they receive any special benefits such as veteran's benefits or disability benefits.
Extraordinary medical expenses may be split between the parties.
Childcare costs and extraordinary medical expenses are deviation factors.
Extraordinary medical expenses are deviation factors.
Extraordinary medical expenses are a mandatory deduction.
Extraordinary medical expenses, childcare, and secondary education support are all extraordinary expenses.
Childcare, extraordinary medical expenses, and private school tuition are all deviation factors.
The guidelines also allow courts to consider reasonable child care costs, health insurance costs and extraordinary medical expenses.
A parent has a reduced ability to pay due to extraordinary levels of jointly accumulated debt or extraordinary medical expenses;
Examples of a «material change in circumstances» include: a child reaching age of majority, changes in either parent's income, the expenses regarding the child (ren), and any extraordinary medical expenses or school expenses.
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