Sentences with phrase «extraordinary proof»

The person making the claim has the burden of proving it — and extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.
Such miracle stories are indeed extraordinary claims without extraordinary proof.
There is evidence here, but not extraordinary proof.
And you are talking, in the main, to people who proudly claim to accept nothing without proof (or maybe nothing extraordinary without extraordinary proof).
@mark: Your god doesn't exist until I see extraordinary proof it does.
==== «extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof» is a nonsense claim.
Remember... extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.
What's that expression, Chad — «extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof» — sounds reasonable to me.
The behavior of the believer or non-believer has nothing to do with the story... and the story is certainly extraordinary... which, by the way, requires extraordinary proof.
kate, extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.
That is an extraordinary claim, like the claim that people were healed simply by touching Vespatian's robes as he passed by, so it requires extraordinary proof that it actually happened, right?
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.
Quoting the bible isn't objective or extraordinary proof.
Another reason to use skepticism when theorizing about the life of the real Jesus is that extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.
In some circles, Moyzis says, to suggest that natural selection is acting on the human brain is tantamount to heresy — an incredible hypothesis that demands extraordinary proof.
Until then, anxious Mars researchers keep mulling the late Carl Sagan's constant admonition: Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.
But extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.
One of Schmidt's favorite sayings is «extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof».
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