Sentences with phrase «extraordinary vision»

We are a 30,000 - member network advocating for positive change by focusing on training and capacity - building for youth who have extraordinary visions for the world.
We are a 30,000 - member network advocating for positive change by focusing on training and capacity - building for youth who have extraordinary visions for the world.
At the Chisenhale in the east is Ed Fornieles's extraordinary vision of the modern family as evoked online: a nightmare of search engine - optimised home design tropes sourced from Pinterest and Instagram with porn videos flickering in the background.
«With extraordinary vision and generosity, Phillips trustee and art collector Linda Lichtenberg Kaplan has promised the Phillips her collection of 18 American sculptors» drawings, works by modern masters such as Lee Bontecou, Jay DeFeo, Tony Smith, Whitfield Lovell, and Louise Nevelson.
Florence Pugh is a gifted actress who will make a stunning Charlie, and Park is a filmmaker of extraordinary vision whose entry into the world of le Carré - style espionage should be irresistible.»
This meant that the two extraordinary visions on motherhood, femininity and sexuality, as well as their common use of embroidery and fabric, would finally come together — and they did.
«Andrea Grover brings extraordinary vision, groundbreaking ideas, and inventive approaches to viewer participation with art across all media,» said Sultan.
We are a 30,000 - member network advocating for positive change by focusing on training and capacity - building for youth who have extraordinary visions for the world.
Gordon Henderson's extraordinary vision in his year as President of the Canadian Bar Association.
Hand - written on old - fashioned four-fold notepaper, it revealed an extraordinary vision that the children had seen, involving a «Bishop dressed in white» whom they took to be the Holy Father, who was shot and fell to the ground as he climbed over a ruined city filled with corpses.
Whatever its origin, this insertion into Zechariab 9 is an extraordinary vision of peace.
Someone «who loved our city» and «a visionary» who can «take the extraordinary vision of Bill Bratton and take it even farther.»
[Tisch praised Steiner, saying: «He put together a brilliant application for Race to the Top and created an extraordinary vision for educational reform]
Tisch praised Steiner, saying: «He put together a brilliant application for Race to the Top and created an extraordinary vision for educational reform... But, as I said, no decision has been made.»
«Steve's extraordinary vision and leadership saved Apple and guided it to its position as the world's most innovative and valuable technology company,» Art Levinson of Apple's board of directors said in the statement.
Accomplishing this to a meaningful extent will require an extraordinary commitment by the NIH leadership, and extraordinary vision and selflessness from established scientists who will need to set aside their own scientific agendas, and support proposals that are essential to the long - term well being of American scientists.
One can easily spend hours in the building admiring the architecture and his extraordinary vision.
Lowery writes, directs, and produces the film with an extraordinary vision.
Having wowed audiences on the festival circuit, Midnight Special is sure to enthrall cinemagoers and marks Nichols as a filmmaker of extraordinary vision and talent.
Even after achieving worldwide acclaim, Naharin continues to fight every day, sometimes with his own dancers — once even with the president of Israel — to make his vision come to life.Catching him at a critical turning point in his personal life, this spirited and insightful documentary will introduce you to a man with great artistic integrity and an extraordinary vision.
«To know Kolderie is to know someone of extraordinary vision, who often thinks light - years ahead, but still gently prods others along to where he wants them to go,» wrote Junge in Zero Chance of Passage.
«Mr. Alberto Vallarino had an extraordinary vision to build the country's top luxury beach and golf resort community and we are honored to brand this beautiful hotel as a JW Marriott and begin this new collaboration with Bristol Hospitality Group in Panama,» says Laurent de Kousemaeker, chief development officer for Marriott International, Inc. in the Caribbean & Latin America.
His extraordinary vision of the familiar, he introduced a new vocabulary to contemporary art, first in New York City in the 1950s and then to the rest of the world.
It was personally gratifying to see such a powerful show in a space of my own design and to see how the building was able to support the work both on a practical level, in terms of the very strict lighting and climate conditions, but also how the overall proportions and scale worked together to create a calming and receptive vessel for appreciating, and savoring, Reinhardt's extraordinary vision.
By obfuscating reality, night provokes the extraordinary visions of a preconscious dream — visions that signaled transcendence for the Romantics and a release from binding aesthetic dogma for contemporary painters.
He manipulates a variety of surfaces to create his extraordinary vision.
It has been a privilege and honor to illuminate Ossorio's distinguished career, and Michael Rosenfeld Gallery remains devoted to the extraordinary vision of this artist.
I get frustrated that the path to an extraordinary vision is made fraught by our own selves.
«We are thrilled to increase our holdings of contemporary African American art through Bill and Pam's extraordinary vision and generosity,» VMFA Director Alex Nyerges said.
Photography: until October 23, 2016 the MAXXI — Museo delle Arti del XXI secolo — in Rome hosts the exhibition «Extraordinary Visions.
Until recently, however, the artist's practical conception and realization of this extraordinary vision have remained largely unexplored.
The most significant work by the renowned artist to ever come to market, the painting is a tour de force that captures Marshall's extraordinary vision and technical command while serving as a harbinger of his impact on the arc of art history.
With a career spanning five decades, his works demonstrate an extraordinary vision and bravura control of his media.
This astonishing array of collages, drawings, paintings, photographs, small sculptures, and jewelry will illuminate DeFeo's courageous experimentation and extraordinary vision.
As the RA stages a major retrospective, Martin Gayford chronicles the extraordinary vision and transformative force of this colossus of contemporary art.
The eclectic choices are a testament to the creativity of ever - curious artists who are pushing into new realms — through multidisciplinary collaborations, new technology, investigations of the past and modern approaches to traditional mediums — and the extraordinary vision of curators, their co-conspirators.
According to MacEwan's post, Raytheon has tried to minimize Swanson's wrongs in light of his «extraordinary vision and performance» in leading the company during the past three years.
1 Mary Lawrence, The Legal Writing Institute — The Beginning: Extraordinary Vision, Extraordinary Accomplishment, 11 Leg.
Mary Lawrence, The Legal Writing Institute: The Beginning: Extraordinary Vision, Extraordinary Accomplishment, 11 Leg.
He became CEO of the company shortly after its founding for two years and stepped back into the role in 2016, stating that Pandora was «on the cusp of realizing an extraordinary vision
Thanks to Jean's extraordinary vision and creativity, the NRWA's 20th anniversary conference was a resounding success.
We're so fortunate to live in Washington state, which is a national leader in this work as the result of the extraordinary vision and tireless efforts of so -LSB-.....]
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