Sentences with phrase «extrasolar planets around»

Of the 30 extrasolar planets around Sun - like stars detected previously, all have been the size of Jupiter or larger.
An additional impetus has been the discovery since 1995 of hundreds of extrasolar planets around other normal stars.
In the EDEN / RV component we are utilizing stellar reflex motion (radial velocity measurements) to search for extrasolar planets around nearby stars.
EChO is a mission dedicated to studying the atmospheres of extrasolar planets around nearby stars.
Although not a good candidate for a life - bearing planet, it was the first ever evidence of an extrasolar planet around a Sun - like star.
Geoff Marcy In February of 2000 we took our telescope and spectrograph to Arizona with the goal of detecting the known extrasolar planet around the star tau Boo.

Not exact matches

Most of the extrasolar planets that have been found by telescopes have been located in disks similar to the one around this unusual red dwarf.
As questions swirled around the existence of extrasolar planets in the late 1990s, Sara Seager, 36, gambled that these distant flickers transiting in front of stars would grow into astronomy's next frontier.
Leading planet hunters from around the world announced the discovery of some 75 extrasolar planets, and hints of many more
The researchers say they detected the presence of two new extrasolar planets (exoplanets) around a red dwarf star, Gliese 581, 20.5 light - years away in the constellation Libra, based on slight motions of the star.
«Most eccentric planet ever known flashes astronomers with reflected light: Extrasolar planet swings around its star like it's a comet.»
In the past two decades more than 1,800 extrasolar planets (or exoplanets) have been discovered outside our solar system orbiting around other stars.
We're looking at extrasolar planets [ones around other stars], but there are also a bunch of places in our solar system that look promising — the moons of Jupiter and Saturn, and back again to Mars.
«Since the discovery of the first gravitational lens, the phenomenon has been exploited to map the distribution of mass around galaxies and clusters, and to search for dark matter, dark energy, compact objects, and extrasolar planets,» physicist Clifford Will notes in a recent paper.
Over 300 extrasolar planets have been discovered in orbit around stars in our local galactic neighborhood, and more planets are being discovered every month.
Along with Alycia Weinberger and Ian Thompson, Alan Boss has been running the Carnegie Astrometric Planet Search (CAPS) program, which searches for extrasolar planets by the astrometric method, where the planet's presence is detected indirectly through the wobble of the host star around the center of mass of the sPlanet Search (CAPS) program, which searches for extrasolar planets by the astrometric method, where the planet's presence is detected indirectly through the wobble of the host star around the center of mass of the splanet's presence is detected indirectly through the wobble of the host star around the center of mass of the system.
Borgniet, S., Lagrange, A. - M., Meunier, N. & Galland, F. Extrasolar planets and brown dwarfs around AF - type stars.
The IAU symposium 293 will bring together scientists from around the world to present new discoveries, and discuss ideas on the formation, detection, and characterization of extrasolar habitable planets.
Extrasolar planets (planets outside our solar system) were found in 1995 for the first time, and since then many planets have been found around stars other than the Sun.
From studies of extrasolar systems, it is apparent that planetary systems around other stars are as varied as the planets they contain and that no one system is like another.
As astronomers discovered the first extrasolar planets, it quickly became obvious that the formation theories we'd built around our own solar system were only part of the story.
That leaves eight new exoplanets, or planets that orbit around a star other than the sun (also called extrasolar planets), that were announced for the first time in the CfA study.
However, extrasolar planets remain difficult to detect: many planets have been found, but almost all around far - away stars that are particularly well - suited for detecting planets around them.
Extrasolar planets and brown dwarfs around A-F type stars.
A group of researchers has observed the first ground - based transit observation of K2 - 3d — a potentially Earth - like extrasolar planet supposedly within the habitable zone around a bright M - dwarf host star 147 light - years away — using the multi-band imager MuSCAT on the Okayama Astrophysical Observatory's 1.88 - metre telescope.
The newly discovered exoplanet — a planet that orbits around a star other than the sun (also called extrasolar planet)-- is called Kepler - 452b.
The smallest exoplanet hitherto discovered has... ▽ More Since the discovery of the first extrasolar giant planets around Sun - like stars, evolving observational capabilities have brought us closer to the detection of true Earth analogues.
Abstract: Since the discovery of the first extrasolar giant planets around Sun - like stars, evolving observational capabilities have brought us closer to the detection of true Earth analogues.
In the research of extrasolar planets, astronomers have found a wide variety of planets such as Jupiter - like gaseous giant planets circling around central stars in a much smaller orbit than that of the Mercury, and planets that have a very large orbit far beyond the Neptune's orbit.
The first extrasolar planets were discovered in 1992 around the pulsar PSR 1257 +12 by using this method.
Almost all the extrasolar planetary systems known appear very different from the solar system, but planets like those within the solar system would with current technology be very difficult to find around other stars.
Astronomers have devised a novel method for identifying rings around extrasolar planets (exorings).
Although no compelling evidence of extraterrestrial life has yet been found, the possibility that biota might be a common feature of the universe has been strengthened by the discovery of extrasolar planets (planets around other stars), by the strong suspicion that several moons of Jupiter and Saturn might have vast reserves of liquid water, and by the existence of microorganisms called extremophiles that are tolerant of environmental extremes.
On July 21, 2003, some astronomers provided evidence from recent discoveries of giant extrasolar planets in mostly inner orbits around host stars that planetary systems may be more common around stars whose spectra show an enriched abundance of elements heavier than hydrogen and helium — also called high «metallicity» ( press release; and Gonzalez, 1999).
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