Sentences with phrase «extreme circumstances such as»

They rarely admit fault even in extreme circumstances such as when a driver who hurt you was intoxicated at the time of the collision.

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«The bank does not intervene [with the dollar], except in exceptional circumstances, such as if there were signs of a serious near - term market breakdown or if extreme currency movements seriously threatened [the economy],» he said.
Poloz says such guidance only should be used in extreme circumstances, such as when it is running out of room to cut interest rates.
Also, the SBA does not allow other fees to be assessed by the lender unless there are extreme circumstances, such as a higher - than - normal servicing required by the loan.
The SBA does not allow other fees to be assessed by the lender unless there are extreme circumstances, such as higher - than - normal servicing required by your loan.
Truly, it would take an extreme set of circumstances (or... a magnificent move of God) to arrange a new playing field such as this.
«By doing this we were able to, for the first time, conceptualise such experiences as potentially representing endeavours at the extreme end of human agency, that is making choices to engage in activity which may in certain circumstances lead to death.
Ligaments are not activated in normal joint movement, it is the job of surrounding tendons and muscles to stabilize the joints, with ligaments only activated in extreme circumstances (such as knee twisting, etc.) Sudden sharp impacts or changes in force may also overwhelm the surrounding muscle's ability to tighten and stabilize the joint, which requires the ligaments to intervene.
It began as a US Department Defence project called APRAnet, which intended to create a nationwide computer network being able to function under extreme circumstances, such as nuclear war or natural disaster.
We have not seen a significant increase in non-reelections and, via MOU, our Board agreed to not exercise its non-reelection right in defiance of recommendation by the TQP except in extreme circumstances (such as legal obligation).
Also, the SBA does not allow other fees to be assessed by the lender unless there are extreme circumstances, such as a higher - than - normal servicing required by the loan.
The SBA does not allow other fees to be assessed by the lender unless there are extreme circumstances, such as higher - than - normal servicing required by your loan.
Different fees may apply in exceptional circumstances such as medical problems or extreme age.
Animals can over heat from numerous circumstances; however, in summer, we think of excessive exercise, extreme outdoor temperatures, and being left in non-ventilated locations, such as cars.
The whole idea behind such concepts as stare decisis is that the «law» is built upon existing law and decisions and is usually not changed except in extreme circumstances.
As your bankruptcy attorney, we can help you if your are facing extreme debt circumstances such as vehicular repossession, or home foreclosurAs your bankruptcy attorney, we can help you if your are facing extreme debt circumstances such as vehicular repossession, or home foreclosuras vehicular repossession, or home foreclosure.
There are still other circumstances (such as intentional harm) where there is no cap at all except that the punitive damages must not be unconstitutionally high; typically the upper limit is nine times compensatory damages unless extreme circumstances exist.
In those instances, it may be necessary to take measures such as permitting the defence to recall certain witnesses for examination or cross-examination, adjournments to permit the defence to subpoena additional witnesses or even, in extreme circumstances, declaring a mistrial.
Without extreme circumstances, such as mental health or addiction issues, it can be a tough burden of proof to meet.
Some individuals require amputation in order to save their lives from diseases such as diabetes or extreme infections; however, many lose their limbs or suffer from disfigurement due to devastating accidental circumstances that could have been avoided.
We assist clients in securing and recovering assets offshore, as well as advising third parties such as banks and trustees who are often working in circumstances of extreme urgency with the added pressure of reputational and confidentiality considerations.
Cyber attacks are classified through various terms, such as attacks, controls, and in extreme circumstances, wars.
The Company reserves the right to suspend the Allocation, reallocation and / or cancellation of Units under extraordinary circumstances such as extreme volatility of assets, extended suspension of trading on stock exchange, natural calamities, riots and other similar events or force major circumstances.
If you receive full physical custody, your spouse may have visitation, or in extreme circumstancessuch as if he is incarcerated or his whereabouts are unknown — he may have no contact with your children at all.
Mississippi courts will terminate an individual's parental rights under extreme circumstances, such as abandonment, child abuse or specific criminal offenses.
If you waive spousal support or property rights in the agreement, this may be irreversible, except under extreme circumstances, such as fraud.
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