Sentences with phrase «extreme financial hardship»

As the stories borrowers have shared show, this standard ignores the ways that borrowers experience extreme financial hardship and needs to be relaxed.
Some cases of extreme financial hardship may qualify for a fee waiver.
Should you fail to establish the negligence of the liable party or parties, you could end up with less compensation than you need to cover your expenses, resulting in extreme financial hardship.
Sadly, euthanasia is often the only option for ill or injured pets whose owners are facing extreme financial hardship.
Several of these will allow you to make loan payments that are calculated based on your actual income or skip a payment altogether if you are experiencing extreme financial hardship.
«And you have to pay what they say, unless you claim extreme financial hardship and go through a whole appeals process.»
These statistics help to explain why so many people in Georgia are experiencing such extreme financial hardships.
The Dumb Friends League has partnered with PetAid Colorado to help pet owners with extreme financial hardship.
Forbearances are granted at the lender's discretion, usually in cases of extreme financial hardship or other unusual circumstances when the borrower does not qualify for a deferment.
Most live in extreme financial hardship - almost a quarter could not put the heating on whenever they needed it, (in the general population this figure is just 1 %), and 7 % could not afford a daily hot meal for themselves.
Generally, you have to prove that you are experiencing extreme financial hardship to qualify for this type of deal.
any objection that garnishment of 15 percent of your disposable pay would produce an extreme financial hardship; or
Federal student loans have been historically difficult to discharge in bankruptcy except when borrowers can prove that they are in «extreme financial hardship
As you can see, our outgoings are more than our income and we are experiencing extreme financial hardship.
As you can see, my outgoings are more than my income and I am experiencing extreme financial hardship.
Debt settlement is a popular option for a person who has an extreme financial hardship and has fallen behind on their monthly payments.
Bankruptcy could be the best option in cases of extreme financial hardship, and not all debts are treated equal in this process.
To have your private student loan included in the bankruptcy decision, you must claim (and prove) extreme financial hardship.
This letter is intended to inform you about my extreme financial hardship, in the hope, it will further my chances of temporarily reducing my monthly payment to an affordable amount.
Filing for divorce should not lead to extreme financial hardship.
While having good Maryland car insurance coverage can save you money in case of an accident, it is not worth going into debt or experiencing extreme financial hardship to have.
This is a circumstance you certainly don't want to occur because it could result in the loss of the car and extreme financial hardships.
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