Sentences with phrase «extreme outliers»

"Extreme outliers" refers to very unusual or exceptional data points that are significantly different from the rest of the data. Full definition
Using data for a broad sample of U.S. common stocks and model factors (excluding extreme outliers) during July 1963 through December 2015, they find that: Keep Reading
Not the least of these is that despite good signals from a couple of extreme outliers, there is zero correlation between «misvaluations» on the basis of the Fed model, and the actual return in the S&P 500 over the following year.
That way, we saw injuries that were distinct, but not extreme outliers.
That's the definition of a Pareto Game, even this one is a more extreme outlier due to Harden's staggering statistical show.
For this analysis, the median lot size was chosen over average since averages tend to be heavily influenced by extreme outliers.
When you achieve extreme outlier status in baseball, it's impossible for writers not to point it out.
Low extreme outliers, defined as having an average per case in the bottom 2.5 percent of the group distribution, also were identified.
The data underlying the Market Average calculation are filtered for extreme outliers and subjected to a weighted averaging process that considers factors such as the recency of transactions and the timing of data lags.
If the observations include extreme outliers, the convergence can be either extremely slow or may not occur at all.
These applicants tend to be extreme outliers so if you're counting on this working for you, know that the odds are definitely stacked against you.
Since extreme outliers could distort multiple imputation and analyses of variance, we recoded these values into the next highest (non-outlier) value (Baraldi and Enders 2010; Tabachnick and Fidell 2007).
Using data for a broad sample of U.S. common stocks and model factors (excluding extreme outliers) during July 1963 through December 2015, they find that: Keep Reading
So Hawking is an extreme outlier in this regard.
But Cramer isn't buying this argument as Enron is an extreme outlier.
It's clear that this year's rally is an extreme outlier in the dataset, with above - average returns and a continued contraction in volume from the levels of trading in March.
My area would definitely be in the top 10 %, but I wouldn't call that an extreme outlier.
As for those incomes being extreme outliers, I wouldn't say so.
Only the Phillies profile as roughly similar in their mean to variance relationship, and that is really driven by one extreme outlier (a 20 - run game).
That said, history says that one - dimensional scorers don't win this award unless they're an extreme outlier like Jimmer Fredette or J.J Redick.
School funding is NOT the only (or even the main) cause of bad and good school districts; especially once you take away the extreme outliers (districts that are so poor that schools literally structurally crumble and / or have no heat / water / food - for obvious reason, a certain basic minimal level of funding is required for the school to function at all).
As a percentage of each worker's compensation, teacher health care costs are on the high end, but they are not an extreme outlier.
Although state totals tended to cluster around the national averages, there are some extreme outliers on either end.
Also, these are extreme outliers.
Of course, these are the extreme outliers.
This is a complex ebook though by no means an extreme outlier.
As an extreme outlier, your audience is already in place, rabid and ready to buy anything you publish.
But those are lottery winners, the extreme outliers.
Indie authors outnumber traditionally published authors in every earnings bracket but one and the difference increases as you leave the highest - paid outliers, although even these extreme outliers are doing better with their self - published works.
The rates of change vary widely from 1.3 % (Truro) to 13.6 % in Halifax although no extreme outliers were found in any of the data.
We indicate on the chart four extreme outliers of 6 sigma or higher.
The U.S. long - term size premium is driven by the extreme outliers, which occurred three - quarters of a century ago.
These extreme outliers confound the standard techniques of setting confidence bounds around the estimated premium.
Although I would be willing to bet that this isn't an extreme outlier.
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