Sentences with phrase «extreme polarization»

"Extreme polarization" refers to a situation where people have very strong and divided opinions or beliefs on a particular subject. It means that individuals are at the opposite ends of the spectrum and have difficulty finding common ground or compromise. Full definition
Kaino's short performance action results in a black, white and yellow tie - dyed pattern upon the recognizable stars and stripes and serves as a larger allegory for the growing extreme polarization of political thought in America today.
«Obamacare,» as it's been deemed by many on the Right, has caused extreme polarization among the electorate.
But among these potential supporters, intense negativity and extreme polarization on issues like climate reinforce feelings of cynicism and inefficacy while likely adding to the propensity to tune out the debate.
But that the race was at all close to begin with, even in this era of extreme polarization, is shocking.
Thus, what science has to say about an issue appears to be a reasonable starting point for lawmakers or bureaucrats seeking to forge consensus on a given issue; in a time of extreme polarization, there is some reason to believe that science can offer common ground.»
Though the extreme polarization of the community — 50 - room mansions and trailer parks in the same town — requires some suspension of disbelief, Parsons creates deeply felt characters.
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