Sentences with phrase «extreme weather warnings»

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Climate scientists have long warned that rising emissions of greenhouse gases by humanity may cause weather extremes, and not just heat waves.
Growing scarcity In addition to a growing scarcity of natural resources such as land, water and biodiversity «global agriculture will have to cope with the effects of climate change, notably higher temperatures, greater rainfall variability and more frequent extreme weather events such as floods and droughts,» Diouf warned.
El Niño will be substantial, warn Australian scientists: Australian scientists on Tuesday forecast a «substantial» El Niño weather phenomenon for 2015, potentially spelling deadly and costly climate extremes, after officially declaring its onset in the tropical Pacific...
Environment secretary faces calls for his resignation, as Green campaigners warn that a climate change sceptic should not be in post during extreme weather events
• Building the most advanced weather detection system in the nation, with 125 interconnected weather stations to provide real - time warnings of local extreme weather and flood conditions;
Unless... Suppose David Cameron and Nick Clegg announced that they agreed with Ed Miliband's warning over the weekend that Britain is «sleepwalking to a crisis», and that «climate change threatens national security» — and went on to commit themselves to working together on a long - term plan to protect the nation not just from extreme weather conditions but the other consequences of climate change.
With chaos continuing at Heathrow and snowy conditions warned in much of the country, Phillip Hammond told MPs that the road and rail networks had responded as well as could be expected to the extreme weather.
Ray O'Keefe, the meteorologist in charge for Albany, said the warning was late, and showed the limits of weather radar and its ability to quickly estimate extreme rainfall and where it will fall.
The environment secretary faced calls for his resignation today, as Green campaigners warned that a climate change sceptic should not be left at Cabinet level during extreme weather conditions.
Changes in extreme weather will require governments to change how they cope with natural disasters, a new report from the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warns
And the worst is yet to come: As the global thermostat rises, extreme weather events such as droughts and floods will become more frequent and intense in many regions, the United Nations warns.
Scientists have long warned that climate change will have serious consequences: big sea - level rises, floods, droughts, more extreme weather, extinctions and so on.
As climate change is increasing the duration, frequency and severity of extreme weather events, it has become increasingly urgent to identify their effects and provide early warnings, in order to ensure market stability and global food security.
She said NOAA's satellites provide information for storm warnings, extreme weather preparation, sea - level - rise predictions and basic weather forecasting essential to the agriculture, real estate and energy industries.
They heed Houghton's warning that the period since 1980 «has been remarkable for the frequency and intensity of extremes of weather and climate».
Tools for forecasting extreme weather have advanced in recent decades, but researchers and engineers at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration are working to enhance radars, satellites and supercomputers to further lengthen warning times for tornadoes and thunderstorms and to better determine hurricane intensity and forecast floods.
Climate experts have long warned that global warming could bring an increase in extreme weather, such as hurricanes and drought.
If climatologists» warnings are correct, a changing climate could produce more extreme weather patterns, which could then have an effect on opioid overdoses and deaths, said Goetz, who worked with Meri Davlasheridze, assistant professor in marine sciences, Texas A&M at Galveston.
Antonio Busalacchi, president of the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, which runs NCAR, recently warned Congress that budget cuts contemplated by the Trump administration could «derail» research needed to better predict extreme weather.
The letter, which was spearheaded by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, warns of the numerous threats posed by climate change — including extreme weather events, regional water scarcity, heat waves and wildfires.
The AVMA warns that during extreme cold, snow or other weather conditions «Cats and dogs should be kept inside during cold weather.
After studying trends of monsoon rains over 60 years, the researchers have warned of extreme weather conditions in future.
Between the heat and the dry vegetation conditions, conditions are ripe for wildfires, which have broken out in multiple states, and Prime Minister Julia Gillard warned yesterday that global warming will mean even more extreme weather events.
They further question the claims that a pre-industrial or «below 350 ppm [carbon dioxide]» climate is necessarily more benign or less affected by extreme weather, and they warn that «unachievable» CO2 emissions reduction policies are at risk of being classified as «ill advised, ineffective, and disingenuous» if and / or when the public eventually recognizes how flimsy the evidence is upon which these policies are based.
Leading scientists also warn that this process is endangering the entire planet: Arctic warming and melting cause more extreme weather in the mid-latitudes and sea level rise that will have catastrophic consequences for low - lying coastal communities around the world.
Only a few months ago researchers warned that climate change could put Ethiopia's harvests at risk and last year scientists warned that extreme weather conditions and high temperatures could threaten 50 % of Brazil's crop.
According to a warning issued by scientists, humanity is now facing an ever - increasing threat of unpredictable and extreme weather.
Six months ago, the former Climate Commission released its Critical Decade report warning extreme fire weather days had been on the rise for 30 years in many parts of Australia, including southern NSW.
Times of India: World climate change negotiators faced warnings on Thursday that a string of extreme weather events around the globe show urgent action on emission cuts is needed as they opened new talks in Bangkok.
Preventive and adaptive actions, such as setting up extreme weather early warning systems and improving water infrastructure, can reduce the severity of these impacts, but there are limits to the effectiveness of such actions in the face of some projected climate change threats.
Also See: Watch Now: Climate Depot's Morano on Fox News Mocking «Climate Astrology»: «This is now akin to the predictions of Nostradamus or the Mayan calendar» — Morano: «There is no way anyone can falsify the global warming theory now because any weather event that happens «proves» their case... Man - made global warming has ceased to be a science, it is now the level of your daily horoscope» — Gore [in 2006 film] did not warn us of extreme blizzards and record cold winters coming»
That said, a quarter century of largely ignoring scientific warnings has left the world unable to stop a number of very dangerous impacts, including sea level rise, ocean acidification, extreme weather, and Dust - Bowlification.
With record precipitation, megaflood evidence, and studies warning of higher extreme weather, with likelihood of confluence and climate persistence, should not the Oroville Dam Design Peak Maximum Flood and Spillway Peak Outflow parameters be increased rather than decreased?
Further reinforcing the urgency of phasing out coal are the more extreme weather events that climate scientists have been warning about for decades.
The main objective of the Building Resilience to Climate Related Hazards Project for Nepal is to diminish the impacts of extreme climate - related events, protect lives and assets, and support agricultural livelihoods by establishing multi-hazard information and early warning systems, upgrading the existing hydromet and agricultural information management systems, and improving the accuracy and timeliness of weather and flood forecasts and warning.
It amazes me that we are all the time warned about extreme weather, and yet the same authorities seems not to care for the infrastructure needed for all these extremes.
As reported by Chris Mooney at Mother Jones at the time (now a journalist at the Washington Post), the draft report warned unequivocally that unchecked greenhouse gas emissions would cause the global warming trend to «accelerate significantly,» bringing more heat waves and weather extremes, severe storms, rising seas, devastating floods, prolonged droughts, and more.
The stark report states that climate change has already increased the risk of severe heatwaves and other extreme weather and warns of worse to come, including food shortages and violent conflicts.
While the UN's latest global warming report rightfully lowers alarm about the link between climate change and extreme weather events, it does warn of increased risk of wildfires.
Major «shocks» to global food production will be three times more likely within 25 years because of an increase in extreme weather brought about by global warming, warns a new report.
IT MAY be time to stop describing south - eastern Australia as gripped by drought and instead accept the extreme dry as permanent, one of the nation's most senior weather experts warned yesterday.
There have been graphic recent warnings too, spelling out the growing likelihood that the warming climate will make bouts of flooding and other extreme weather more frequent.
A «Global Trends» report prepared by the U.S. Director of National Intelligence's office, released on Jan. 9, warned that climate change posed security risks because of extreme weather, stress on water and food, and global tensions over how to manage the changes.
Scientists had given warning that climate change might cause «extreme weather events».
«Britain is sleepwalking towards disaster because of a failure to recognise that climate change is causing the extreme weather that has blighted the country for more than a month, Ed Miliband has warned
This, like any specific extreme weather event, can not be conclusively linked to global warming (scientifically), but it is exactly what climatologists have been projecting and warning us about for years.
Pak Observer: The International Energy Agency (IEA) in its annual World Energy Outlook Report has warned that the world has just five years to avoid being trapped in a scenario of perilous climate change and extreme weather events.
Climate scientists warn of wild weather in the year ahead as El Niño begins El Niño expected to increase drought, floods and other extreme events, and cause a hot summer in the UK John Vidal, environment editor, Monday 13 July 2009 16.30 BST
Scientists will discuss new systems they developed to improve real - time warnings of natural hazards like earthquakes, tsunamis and extreme weather events.
Report on the workshop on the development of early warning systems and contingency plans in relation to extreme weather events and their effects such as desertification, drought, floods, landslides, storm surge, soil erosion, and saline water intrusion.
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