Sentences with phrase «extremely brachycephalic»

Picture 1 — The flattened muzzle of an extremely brachycephalic Persian cat ( reis)
Dogs such as French and English bulldogs, pugs and Pekes and cats like the Persian and Exotic shorthair have become more extremely brachycephalic in the last few decades.

Not exact matches

Cats that have been bred with extremely short, flat faces (called brachycephalic) undergo substantial and significant changes to the shape of the whole skull and the associated structures.
Closed gene pools are extremely problematic when you end up, decades later, with a brachycephalic breed of dogs who all display a disease - friendly too flat face.
Cat that have been bred with extremely short, flat faces (called brachycephalic — click here for more information) undergo substantial and significant changes to the shape of the whole skull and the associated structures.
If your dog suffers from any of the issues caused by brachycephalic syndrome, you can make things easier on him or her by keeping your dog at a healthy weight and avoiding extremely hot weather, especially strenuous exercise, or stressful situations.
Picture 3 — Comparison of a normal cat muzzle (© Isselée) and the extremely shortened muzzle of a brachycephalic cat (©
Cat that have been bred with extremely short, flat faces (called brachycephalic) undergo substantial and significant changes to the shape of the whole skull and the associated structures.
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