Sentences with phrase «extremely dry years»

The country experienced several extremely dry years prior to 2010 because of a particularly strong El Niño.
The team included a parameterization to represent irrigation in the Noah land surface model applied in WRF, and conducted a series of simulations with and without irrigation over the SGP for an extremely dry year (2006) and wet year (2007).
Evidence for soil water control on carbon and water dynamics in European forests during the extremely dry year: 2003

Not exact matches

Despite the disease being extremely common, as of last year, there was only one FDA - approved treatment for dry eye, Huh said.
Goordial, a post-doctoral fellow in the Department of Natural Resource Sciences at McGill University has spent the past four years looking for signs of active microbial life in permafrost soil taken from one of the coldest, oldest and driest places on Earth: in University Valley, located in the high elevation McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica, where extremely cold and dry conditions have persisted for over 150,000 yeaDry Valleys of Antarctica, where extremely cold and dry conditions have persisted for over 150,000 yeadry conditions have persisted for over 150,000 years.
The extremely dry, cold air is perfectly suited for observing Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation - the faint light signature left by the Big Bang that brought the universe into being nearly 14 billion years ago.
I previously tried cellulite creams and lotions, dry skin brushing, aromatherapy, rebounding, removing all dairy from the diet, eating a completely vegan diet for 5 years, eating a raw, whole food diet, being extremely physically fit, and drinking 10 glasses of water a day.
ALL OF MY LIFE, I've had to put oils and lotion on my extremely dry skin; and, within the last five years, I've battled ugly, scaly and discolored [skin] on my legs, which I was encourage to accept as it was merely a sign of my getting older.
O Salve My Dry Skin is perfect for my extremely dry and painful legs this time of yeDry Skin is perfect for my extremely dry and painful legs this time of yedry and painful legs this time of year.
My skin gets extremely dry in the winter, and this year I noticed that my nails looked pretty bad, too.
BUT that also tends to make us complacent in maintaining what we're fortunate to have I had dry skin which became extremely oily skin a year ago so now everything in my skincare regime has done a complete 360 change.
After she was spayed at 2 1/2 years of age, Lulu became increasingly itchy, had extremely dry scaly skin, brittle hair and hair loss.
Although the extremes appear to balance out, making for a near - average year, in fact a record 58 percent of the contiguous United States was either extremely wet or extremely dry in 2011.
Since the 1960s, the likelihood of Texas seeing extremely hot, dry weather in a La Nina year has mushroomed 20-fold due to human - induced global warming, David Rupp of Oregon State University in Corvallis and his colleagues calculate.
We all know that it has been extremely dry for the past year in nearly every corner of the state.
Oh, and don't look now, but Southern California is currently on fire has had an extremely dry start to its wet season, raising the specter of a return to drought just a year after one of the worst droughts in state history.
But across much of Europe, Canada, and the United States, models estimate that the loss of shading and evaporative cooling shortened the return period for extremely hot, dry summers significantly: from every ten years to every 2 - 3 years.
1888 Extremely dry in Victoria (northern areas and Gippsland); Tasmania (1887 — 89 in the south); New South Wales had the driest year since records began; Queensland (1888 — 89) had a very severe drought, with much native scrub dying and native animals perishing; South Australia had one of its most severe droughts; and Western Australia (central agricultural areas) lost many sheep.
In other words, the scientists said, moderate California weather may be a thing of the past, with weather trending toward extremely warm and dry years, with intermittent extremes of warm and wet weather.
These extremely dry and warm conditions have culminated in California's worst drought in living memory, and likely the worst in over 100 years.
This detectable increase in extremely low - precipitation years adds to the effect of rising temperatures and contributes to the increasing occurrence of extremely warm — dry 12 - mo periods during the 21st century.
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