Sentences with phrase «extremely high confidence»

My point is that it is not useful to have an extremely high confidence level for a very broad range.
I do, however, have extremely high confidence in the existence of hydrogen.

Not exact matches

The optimal integration of these four aspects results in a clear improvement of our ability to anticipate adverse effects with higher confidence, which entails an extremely positive impact on society».
It is absolutely true that climate scientists are extremely cautious about attributing any event to anthropogenic climate change, but an increasing number of such attributions are being made with high confidence in the scientific literature now.
Handling and grip levels are extremely high and the sharp steering and powerful brakes give you the confidence to exploit that prodigious acceleration potential.The sport biased suspension and large alloys do not turn the S7 into a hard riding car but while it does soak up bumps better than you might expect the ride is firm overall.
It is extremely likely that more than half of the global mean temperature increase since 1951 was caused by human influence on climate (high confidence).
That is one of the reasons why the UN IPCC say an ECS less than 1 °C is extremely unlikely (high confidence).
Equilibrium climate sensitivity is likely in the range 1.5 °C to 4.5 °C (high confidence), extremely unlikely less than 1 °C (high confidence), and very unlikely greater than 6 °C (medium confidence)(Note 16).»
If each of the subsequent 20 independent decades were on average a 2C rise, for example, our confidence in the hypothesis would be extremely high.
The second CMIP5 model in Shindell's analysis, CSIRO - Mk3 -6-0, shows completely unconstrained scaling factors using 1901 — 2010 data, and extremely high scaling factors for both GHG and «other anthropogenic» over both 1861 — 2010 and 1951 — 2010 — so much so that the GHG scaling factor is inconsistent with unity at better than 95 % confidence for the longer period, and at almost 95 % for the shorter period.
But what the IPCC wrote [TS.5.3] was «With high confidence the transient climate response (TCR) is positive, likely in the range 1 °C to 2.5 ºC and extremely unlikely greater than 3 °C, based on observed climate change and climate models.»
Because the atmosphere has responded in a very strong and coherent way to these extremely high ocean temperatures already, there is presently very high confidence that El Niño will persist through the coming autumn and winter months, and continue to strengthen through at least November.
This allows authors to express high confidence that an event is extremely unlikely (e.g., rolling a dice twice and getting a six both times), as well as high confidence that an event is about as likely as not (e.g., a tossed coin coming up heads).
Equilibrium climate sensitivity is likely in the range 1.5 °C to 4.5 °C (high confidence), extremely unlikely less than 1 °C (high confidence), and very unlikely greater than 6 °C (medium confidence).
Its «very effective team» delivers «a brilliant service together with excellent response times and extremely high knowledge levels» that «completely justifies the confidence clients place in it».
Although the prevailing economic and political landscape and low business confidence are extremely concerning and top of mind for buyers, the agency is still seeing high levels of confidence in real estate across the Cape metro.
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