Sentences with phrase «extremely powerful dog»

These are extremely powerful dogs with a strong instinct for animal aggression; yet they are also known for being incredibly friendly, loving and loyal to their human owners and strangers.
Bull Terriers are extremely powerful dogs, and knowing her history of being territorial and protective in her home, I gave her a great deal of respect.

Not exact matches

Capsaicin, the active chemical that makes chile peppers hot, is extremely powerful and can cause blistering of the skin to people (or dogs) who are sensitive to it.
The blunt fact of the matter is that this is powerful rhetoric atop an extremely weak legal case — like posting a «beware of dog» sign on your home when you own a beagle puppy.
They were raised for duck and waterfowl hunting in adverse weather conditions so they are extremely strong and powerful dogs.
If you have an extremely large and powerful dog, then you may want to think twice about getting one.
Clicker training for dogs is easy to learn, and yet, it is an extremely powerful method that focuses on reward as a means to encourage the behavior you want, as well as put it on command.
Both dogs are extremely loving and devoted to their families but they are a large powerful breed.
If you are in any doubt at all about how your dog will react with other dogs (or other dogs with them) keep them on the lead as they are an extremely powerful and could inflict a lot of damage if things get out of hand.
This dog is strong, powerful, and extremely calm and loyal.
This may mean your adult dog is extremely tolerant or the puppy extremely powerful.
It's a powerful breed and can be extremely aggressive with other dogs because it was created to fight.
We have found that tracing the ancestry of the dog to its primal origins to formulate products that solve today's problems with organic solutions is extremely powerful.
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