Sentences with phrase «extremely safe medication»

HGH injections are an extremely safe medication.

Not exact matches

People often write about various supplements and medications causing cancer... Thiamine, in the recommended doses, is one particular supplement that is extremely safe for most people but not for those with advanced cancers.
Many medications that are safe for people are extremely dangerous to pets (the classic example is Tylenol toxicity in cats), and often safe medications have doses for animals that are vastly different than human dosing.
While veterinarians do use some human medications to treat animals, it's important to remember that not all drugs meant to treat people are safe for cats, and even the ones that are may only be safe at extremely controlled doses.
When clients voice concerns like these, I remind them that today's preventive medications are extremely safe, and I reeducate them about how deadly heartworm infection can harm their pets.
Today, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled to protect Arizona women's access to medication abortion, an extremely safe method of early abortion, by reversing a district court's denial of a preliminary injunction.
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