Sentences with phrase «extremely small quantities»

He admits that in extremely small quantities, occasionally, animal foods won't hurt you.
«We are dealing with extremely small quantities and there are a lot of things out there that look like estrogen,» he said.
Tricia, This brings me to wonder if I have been over scrupulous in selecting brands of spices that, as you say in the video, I am likely only consuming in extremely small quantities.

Not exact matches

As Agnieszka Janina Zygadlo Nielsen describes, the problem with many of these substances today is namely that they are extremely expensive and difficult to make, and therefore produced only in small quantities in the medicinal plants.
Methods: Diphenylphosphine ligands, which consist of two phenyl (C6H5) substituted phosphorus centers separated by a carbon chain of variable length, produce gold clusters with extremely narrow distributions in size; that is, the synthesis route produces a large quantity of clusters with the same number of gold atoms as well as a small number of clusters with similar numbers of atoms.
Though rice does contain small amounts of arsenic (which is poisonous), the dose is so low that it would take extremely large quantities to cause poisoning.
Small quantities can be extremely toxic and effects can vary between dogs.
Anti-freeze (ethylene glycol) when ingested, even in small quantities, can be extremely dangerous to your pets.
Vast quantities of extremely small particles of «something» injected into the air.
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