Sentences with phrase «extremes on time scales»

Decision - and policy - makers and stakeholders are increasingly asking for reliable predictions of extremes on time scales from days to seasons to centuries.

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well i get where you come from but i wouldnt call it less passionate but more practical, i just do nt like to be butthurt ^ ^ i am fan of arsenal to enjoy the time i spend on football but if it ends in failures i try to get over its and be constructive about it, and i am not a fan of people who cant control their anger pains and have to project their frustrations onto the people who could be held responsible but not in this scale, in my opinion of the society humans should be able to control their emotions a bit and never stoop as low as to be abusive and i do think that a lot of comments on justarsenal were abusive and sorry but i do nt think of it as passionate an extreme example would be ultras you could call them muuuuch more passionate than me but in my opinion they are just scum of football, but of course i do nt want to compare the JA - commenters to ultras xD i just tried to illustrate my opinion ^ ^
However, while the models are useful for examining large - scale climate patterns and how they are likely to evolve over time, they can not be relied on for an accurate depiction of extreme weather events.
Sometimes, teleconnections on intra-seasonal time scales are associated with extreme weather events, such as the so - called Pineapple Express, which is characterized by heavy rains that extend from the Hawaiian Islands to the west coast of North America.
I know David Gaughran has some fairly accurate estimations that he's used before, but here's a what if for you: What if you could accurately model Amazon's ebook sales using data submitted by selfpub authors (which I remember seeing a blogger on the Writer's Cafe who was already doing this with extreme accuracy) combined with a sliding scale, using the same data, to determine sales at any given time (because being the # 5 bestseller in the Mystery category on Tuesday doesn't mean the same sales on Thursday).
Our Tietsche, et al., 2011 paper basically shows that both extent and volume can recover on similar time scales after extreme loss events, in particular for the thin ice that we have around nowadays.
Pressing the frontiers of climate science and related research is vital, but it's wishful thinking to expect further science to substantially narrow uncertainties on time scales that matter when it comes to regional or short - term climate forecasting, the range of possible warming from a big buildup of carbon dioxide, the impact of greenhouse forcing on rare extremes and the like.
PCIC welcomes Dr. Alex Cannon who has joined PCIC as a Research Climatologist to work alongside the consortium's scientific and technical staff in the development of new tools and methodology for predicting climate extremes on seasonal and decadal time scales.
The effect of large - scale model time step and multiscale coupling frequency on cloud climatology, vertical structure, and rainfall extremes in a superparameterized global climate model.
My investigations of the properties of the lunar orbit indicate that the strengths of extreme proxigean spring tides are affected by two main alignment periods that reoccur on distinctly different time scales.
Combining these forcing periods, you would expect that, over extended periods of time, the effects of extreme proxigean spring tides should manifest themselves in the climate indices on time scales that are set by the beat periods between these two fundamental time scales.
The persistent barotropic vertical structure of these forced waves with m = 6, 7, and 8 on a monthly time scale in the extreme years is clearly documented in corresponding maps (see, e.g., figures S1 and S2 in ref.
As one of the studies (Nicholson, 2005) cited by the petitioner states: «The fluctuations between «wet» and «dry» in the Sahel / Soudan zones are extreme even on decadal and multi-decadal time scales
The fact that people have such discussions with a straight face at the same time as they can not actually say which regions will be warmer, cooler, wetter, drier, more extreme, less extreme (i.e. provide people with some kind of advice on what to plan for at a scale relevant to investment decisions) it quite incredible to me.
The work of the theme anticipates the need to provide information on multiple time and spatial scales and the requirement to understand potential changes in extreme hydrologic events.
People may or may not adjust their behavior in response to climate change, and they may or may not do so on a time scale that mitigates extreme harm.
For the most extreme scenarios and for the time scales of several hundred years or longer much uncertainty remains, but much uncertainty remains also on the significance of the development after we have reached the maximum and the concentration has turned back on the lessening trend.
We have been focused on climate models rather than on climate dynamics and theory that is needed to understand the effects of the sun on climate, the network of natural internal variability on multiple time scales, the mathematics of extreme events, and the predictability of a complex system characterized by spatio - temporal chaos.
On decadal time scales, the greatest vulnerability is to extreme weather events: scenarios of frequency (clustering), worst case
`... rather than on climate dynamics and theory that is needed to understand the effects of the sun on climate, the network of natural internal variability on multiple time scales, the mathematics of extreme events, and predictability of a complex system characterized by spatio - temporal chaos.
9.3.1 Global Mean Response 1 % / yr CO2 increase (CMIP2) experiments Projections of future climate from forcing scenario experiments (IS92a) Marker scenario experiments (SRES) 9.3.2 Patterns of Future Climate Change Summary 9.3.3 Range of Temperature Response to SRES Emission Scenarios Implications for temperature of stabilisation of greenhouse gases 9.3.4 Factors that Contribute to the Response Climate sensitivity The role of climate sensitivity and ocean heat uptake Thermohaline circulation changes Time - scales of response 9.3.5 Changes in Variability Intra-seasonal variability Interannual variability Decadal and longer time - scale variability Summary 9.3.6 Changes of Extreme Events Temperature Precipitation and convection Extra-tropical storms Tropical cyclones Commentary on changes in extremes of weather and climate ConclusTime - scales of response 9.3.5 Changes in Variability Intra-seasonal variability Interannual variability Decadal and longer time - scale variability Summary 9.3.6 Changes of Extreme Events Temperature Precipitation and convection Extra-tropical storms Tropical cyclones Commentary on changes in extremes of weather and climate Conclustime - scale variability Summary 9.3.6 Changes of Extreme Events Temperature Precipitation and convection Extra-tropical storms Tropical cyclones Commentary on changes in extremes of weather and climate Conclusions
Until we figure out how to do this on the weekly to seasonal time scales, trying to infer extreme events from coarse resolution climate models with insufficient number of ensemble members is like voodoo.
The 90 items of the questionnaire are scored on a five - point Likert scale from none (0) to extreme (4), indicating the rate of occurrence of the symptom during the time period in question.
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