Sentences with word «exultation»

In a time of empire when the church should tell a «more persuasive story» than one of exultation of the nation, Bible study is radical stuff.
On the surface, this text expresses exultation in God's salvation of David from the hands of the homicidal Saul.
In addition, exultation at the record numbers of AP participants has to be tempered somewhat by unsettling reports that nearly a third of public - high - school students drop out or fall behind before their class graduates.
1Peter 4:12 - 17 Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though some strange thing were happening to you; but to the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing, so that also at the revelations of His glory you may rejoice with exultation.
What shall it profit him if he comes through the world under full sail aided by the favorable winds of popular exultation and admiration, if he runs aground upon eternity?
The New York Times reports that weekend exultation over the new global climate agreement was quickly replaced by the realization that talking about emissions goals in Paris could be dwarfed by what it takes to produce actual results:
For what I experienced was neither pride in my genes nor glory in my dog - handling (she had, after all, disobeyed by running and swimming away), but sheer exultation in the joy of being alive, in the thrill of water, and in affection for waggy dogs» tails.
Only he who apprehends with the first Christians the horror of death, who takes death seriously as death, can comprehend the Easter exultation of the primitive Christian community and understand that the whole thinking of the New Testament is governed by belief in the Resurrection.
But I felt only high exultation in my certainty of eternal life.
One minister wrote of his loneliness as a clergyman: «I have driven in the dark in my little silver Accord on more than one occasion, realizing that there is no one within 50 miles of where I live with whom I can share my deepest pain or joy, no place where I can experience the quiet exultation and peace of complete acceptance.»
Then we witnessed the footage of Middle Eastern exultation.
If you were anyone other than my mother, you would have read it as a gloating exultation rather than a series of grievances.
There is genuine exultation, though, when C.J. Beathard throws the first of his two fourth - quarter touchdown passes.
That's why its arrival feels like a cultural inflection point and a cause for exultation in some quarters.
For all its lofty ambitions and cinematic exultation, To The Wonder fails to deliver this latter form of satisfaction.
There should be anger, vitriol, and, by the end, a bittersweet exultation.
Equally joyful abandon exists in 1994's US Go Home, while a highlight of her latest, Let the Sunshine In, sees Juliette Binoche, eyes closed in a nightclub, swaying to «At Last» by Etta James, her face glowing with private exultation.
Whenever our father heard the beastman's attack fall over the woods, he cried out in alarm, but also in eerie exultation.
Stuart Carey & Eddie Hall reference primal aspects & motivations of humankind from our darker moments to our joyful exultations.
The environment created by OSGEMEOS for the Lehmann Maupin space is a bona fide carnival of positive vibrations and exploding exultation.
But their wild exultation was suddenly checked When the jailer informed them, with tears, Such a sentence would have not the slightest effect, As the pig had been dead for some years.
There is no disparagement of the body or exultation of the soul in Hebrew thought.
The White House's exultation over liberal men who resign over sexual misconduct has grated politicians in both parties, who view President Trump as a poor messenger on women's rights.
And I don't think the exultation has been good for life in general, and I am, to some extent, a member of that group.
It is the great festival of victory and exultation, though Lent has always been kept rigorously by Lutherans, and St. John's is no exception.
Something was untrue to the sweet grace and exultation of the day.
But I'm annoyed with the public perception and exultation that has long outlasted him.
Plunging downward from the exultation of a decisive electoral victory, it was a sickening, devastating night, and morning, and night again.
The Peasant of the Garonne is a cry: a cry of exultation and hope based on what the Second Vatican Council seemed to promise; and a cry of impassioned warning against those who, in the name of aggiornamento, denied transcendence, and who took and are still taking the Church to a place locked within this world.
Within this frame, these nameless Hebrew poets succeeded in giving supreme expression to the basic rhythms of inner life: bleak despair in the face of accumulated disaster, stubborn hope, gratitude, exultation, rhapsodic celebration of the splendors of creation, contentment in the quiet joys of the good life.
It was that time when the popular favor and the exultation of the masses hailed you as the righteous one, do you remember that?»
The universe is «accepted» by all these writers; but how devoid of passion or exultation the spirit of the Roman Emperor is!
It is the anguish of waiting, the agony of struggle; it is killing and being killed, maiming and being maimed; it is leave - taking, absence, fear and hope, joy and despair, devotion and hatred, escape and death; it is the exultation of victory; it is the bitterness of defeat; it is the incalculable aggregate of all the blood, sweat, and tears the war is costing the thousands who fight and the millions who suffer the war's desolation.
In our socks we sang «At Your Feet We Fall,»» during which Hayford asked us to stand, sit and stand again, raising our arms heavenward in exultation.
Elation grew to exultation, exultation to an exaltation which thrilled through me with overpowering intensity.
The Olympics should be the acme of an athlete's career — the competition his greatest challenge, the victory his greatest moment of exultation — and yet repeatedly the most notable Olympians, the winners, found more consolation in the completion of the task than joy in the achievement.
So, as he has done countless times, he looked toward first as he ran, dropping his bat neatly just off the base path, and when he saw the exultation of his first base coach, Jim Busby, he knew for sure that the long chase was over.

Phrases with «exultation»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z