Sentences with phrase «eyed airiness»

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The white sheers draw the eye upwards; their purpose is threefold: they are beautiful to look at, they offer some structure and diaphanous delineation in the space, and they also allow openness and airiness, playfully blowing amongst the dramatic floor - to - sky columns of greenery.
A very modern, relaxing décor choice, the owner of this home painted the ceiling of the porch a gorgeous sky blue, evoking the serenity of a cloudless day and giving a brush of visual interest at a high elevation, drawing the eye up and intensifying the airiness as well as the sense of height in the space.
Leafy walls draw the eye up, at once enclosing the space and giving a sense of airiness, making the perfect oasis in which to contrasting print seating.
Leafy walls draw the eye up, at once enclosing the space and giving a sense of airiness, making the perfect oasis in which to dot Martini - friendly seating.
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