Sentences with phrase «eyelines which»

Not exact matches

Wood focuses on the complex system of identification Hitchcock establishes in this scene, and Bellour details the ways in which the film plays with doublings (or «rhymes») of looks and framings, point - of - views shots and eyeline matches.
The two rivals» shared scenes boast a surprising tenderness and intensity, thanks largely to Johnson's careful framing, which puts the viewer just off axis enough from the actors» eyelines to avoid the breaking of the fourth wall but still conveys a creepy sense of closeness.
There are reams of leather, too, though Alfa has snuck in quite a lot of plastic beneath your eyeline, which isn't very becoming of a # 70,000 car.
Speaking of which, the central infotainment display is mounted high up, so it's close to your eyeline, and the display itself is crisp and clear.
If you fold a piece of cardboard incorrectly (which we did do) or you lose an eyelet, you have a problem, so keep everything organized and in your eyeline.
To emphasise the point I've added a few perspective lines for roof lines and sidewalks that are above or below your eyeline and which are angled much more sharply.
The confusion these now - random captions cause for the viewer are as integral to the exhibition as the hanging of the prints, which tend to be well below the average eyeline.
She then sank «the line», the cherished privilege of hanging paintings just at the viewer's eyeline on the wall, which in centuries past has caused artists to trade insults or even punches, or withdraw their work entirely in a huff.
Australia About Blog Eyeline is a leading Australian arts magazine which publishes analysis of and commentary on the contemporary visual arts, craft and related media.
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